“Et tu Brute”... “a Bonnnie and Clyde tit for tat tandem. Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway....Amy Bishop’s alter ego being her biological partner ....what difference who captured who in those Northeastern U. labs where her pops had a supporting role for 32 years...an associate prof in documentaries and digital art.......
O that a man might know the end of this day’s business ev’r come! But it suffice that the day will end, and then the end is known
“Bonnie,‘y know I love ya like you’re my own self.....a twin soul “.....his forceps grippiug the frog’s legs. “ Stripping the dissection down to balls naked..killing is too good for the “Doc...”
‘Strangle him like in the real world. Stabbin or shooting? What’s his poison? Not Ucla’s Professor Woellner’s “Heaven is on the way to it”...Titus’s Machiavelli or Gracian not these Lady Macbeths playing out vindictiveness is their de Sade temper tantrums,..demolition derbies.,
Right Bonnie? Amy? Lady Macbeth?
“Lettin em out of hen pecking post graduate PHD tenure tracks........a moral travesty in their unbridled ambitions.....unable to get out of their luggage..their friggen ego trip careeming down the slopes... their bobsled into streaming revenge.....
ot a redeeming air in their descending souls..
Bonnie and Clyde welcome.....the scaffold awaits life’s disenchantments....you deserve each other.
Goading Bonnie on...International House of Pancakes booster seats...Al and Jerry Lapin’s start up on Riverside drive in Toluca Lake California, not knowing a lethal scenario was already playing out ..... in the cosmic madcaps of the 3 Stooges beyond the crepe suzette cheese blintzes home made pies and freshly squeezed orange juice....
Clyde fast asleep. It is no matter. Enjoy the honey...heavy dew of slumber. Thou hast no figures nor “Amazon fever” fantasies.. which busy cares draws in the brains of women..
Therefore so sleep so sound.
But ‘tis a common proof .... that loveliness is young ambition’s ladder, whereto to the climber upward mourns his face; but when he once attains the upward round, he then unto his back, looks in the clouds, scorning the base degrees by which he did ascend.,,,,
The mocking fate of a Northeastern U support system,... the Amy Bonnie of our travail having an inside track into academia hen pecking by her father in his tenured role of 32 years of documentary and digital art, his Amy into her gig, yielding her “Amazon fever” her bulliness of dissonant smarts, her “Of human bondage”...... A young lady of privilege, unable to identify with Bette Davis as a “dinosaur”, waiting on Leslie Howard medical students..
Not a father nor mother for a support system gone astray in truancy. Yacht club horseback riding.... a role on a Hawthorne “Scarlet Letter” 240 seat town council.... the bewildered accouterments of a life style gone tole model bonkers in raising gifted children.
"Don’t you know who I am ... ,“ Amy punching the lady in the head for having the chutzpah in taking the I hop. booster seat for her own.......
Thinking she could seize the moment like the cream cheese bandit at Safeways, a block down from (LA’s) South Western and Pico, the two egotists caught up in their inexorable fate..
For clout...poor little rich girl fiercely showing her teeth and blowing her cover.,,,No honor among thieves., You can’t get away with anything., . .someone is watching.
Greta Garbo to Sutton Place environs Louise Rainer into retirement ...Deanna Durbin to Paris....Shirley Temple to Northern California.....Joan Crawford in Pepsi’s spritz...Irene Dunne .Myrna Loy.Ann Sheridan. Ingrid Berman Italy Olivia de Haviland to London....
Their divine presence ....where doth they go?
Where to Bonnie znd Clyde on their inexorable fated information highway...a. Huntsville Alabama sub division tract?.
When my love swears she is made of truth, I do believe her thou I know she lies. That she might think me some untutored youth, unlearned in the world’s false subtleties.
We defy augury: there’s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now,’tis not to come If it be not to come, it will be now.; if it not be now, yet it will come: the readiness is all since no man has aught of what he leaves; what is’t to leave betimes? Let be.
Amy Bishop unlike Bonnie had her own suffrage to wrestle.... those murderous aggressions playing out in the reality scenes of the Texas Oklahoma panhandle and the Braintree New Englandish I hops..and college neuro biological hazing..
What sayeth Plato? To learn their art before practicing it at Ucla’s Royce Hall.? Iris Murdoch ‘s own quest at Oxford. before Alzheimers...”.reflects God in the infinite mind”
”Reputation ,reputation reputation! O I have lost my reputation.. I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial.”
Between the acting of a dreadful thing And the first motion ...all the interim is like a phantasmora hideous dream: the genius and the mortal instruments are then in council; and the state of man, like to a little kingdom; suffers them the nature of an insurrection., (rehearsing the 9 millimeter on the firing range)
The depth of night is crept upon our talk. And nature must obey necessity. Which we will niggard with a little rest....
My thoughts and my discourse As madmen’s are. As random from the truth vainly expressed for I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright Lady Macbeth
Who art as black as hell, and dark as night.
And Bonnie’s spirit, gung ho for revenge with her consort by her side.. What she wished for, she finally realized...tenure into the big house...
Come from hell shall on these confines with a monarch’s voice “I am Amy Bishop. Dr Amy Bishop” And let slip the dogs of war, that these foul deeds mell above the earth...with carrion men groaning for burial.
It hath been taught us from the primal state that she wish that was wish’t. And the ebb’d mien nev’er till worth love comes dear’d by being lack.. The common body like to a vagabond flag upon the stream goes to and bank, lackeying the varying tide tor self sacrifice with motion.
International House of Pancakes’s “mea culpa”, Toluca Lake, , February 26,2019.
Rereading Hawthorne’s “Scarlet letter” one can’t help but wonder “what was Amy Bishop trying to prove?”
Relax...frolic with your family.....enjoy
Why force the issue? If it ain’t in the cards, rethink your thinking.
Be grateful for small favors.
And althou it’s hindsight...the constant pressing may have morally blinded you to what you could have been and become......
The Big Apple, March 1, 2010