"My Captain My Captain....." RobinWilliams playing out the mesmerizing school teacher. His preppy "Dead poet’s society" taken out of their self indulgent superiority....their caste system, an insular fortress as Buckingham Palace.
"We’re all being tested, preppies."
"You’re toas
t," says the student, looking down at his ancestor’s Coney Island upbringings, turning back the clock, recapitulating the built in snobbishness, those students use to cover up their flaws.,their teacher casting aside his lesson plans ,aiming to get the kids out of their predestined natures, perpetuating their monied prep school proclivities of superiority and dogma..
A medicine man he was not. No way..... Burt Lancaster’s "Elmer Gantry" (inked by Sinclair Lewis). Didn’t he know why he was put on the "Dawn Patrol"?
Why tap into your Faustian soul to get these kids out of themselves. To think for themselves.
Play it cozy, Dude.
No skinny dipping in this reality scene. Hanging by yer thumbs. pal.
To get along, you play along.
Whoa Nellie
"Gimme five, Mister.... What you say your nombre was, amigo?"
"Call me Duke, Professor. We know not what we do. But we know who we are."
Meanwhile at South Beach (Miami Heat) Pat Riley may hay been second guessing himself as Big Three basketball players: high school grad Lebron James? Marquete’s DwayneWade, and their Toronto gifted Chris Bosh were on the road to Bean Town.
Playing against the aging big three of the Celtics: the fountain of youth Keven Garnet, "the truth" Paul Pierce, U/Conn’s RayAllen and their point guard "Hondo" "no no Rondo" (Hondo John Havlichek
reliving the Red Auerbach orchestrations)
"Ya gotta believe."
Bosh out with an abdominal paint, returned to the playoff wars in game five,seeing 14 minutes of action, the Celtics winning on the road. The Heat’s rotation and styming the "Truth" and 6'1`1" K.G (Kevin Garnet),a high school grad).. Rondo penetrating the paint, the Heat rotating ,doubling up, leaving K.G. in the painted area, at the rim, for his ageless dunks tip ins or rebounds.
Bosh during that crunch time still in the rust of the return, tte Heat losing by a blink of the "Truth’s" Inglewood,Ca killer eyes.., he hitting from downtown, James defending him,the shot clock ticking down.
"Mr. Chips goes to town" (Robert Donat) playing along with "the Dead Poet’s Society" the story line became surreal with Maggie Smith’s toure de force of "her own preppies on the distaff side.
"The prime of Miss Jean Brodie"
Surreal in this instance as her finishing school marm (Tulane University’s college for women),her pet student, giving her the Mata Hari (Margaretha Gertruide Zelle)ita shafterooney..
The teacher’s pet of a smiling snitching assassin, telling the head masters that Miss Brodie was "as incompetent as teats on a boar’s ass."
Meanwhile "crash the boards" was playing at Madison Square garden the injury plagued Willis reed, Captain of the Knicks, came thru the tunnel unto the floor, the fans not as vociferous as those in the small market of "OKC" ,holding their ear plugs, after they checked the big 3 of the San Anotnio Spurs,(Duncan, Parker, Genoble) the Alamo revisited by the up tempo hungrier younger legged Thunder.......
The emotion got to the faithful and Reed led the Knicks to a victory.
However in the dot com cosmos of the 21
st century hoop wars, Chris Bosh wasm’t able to turn the clock back in those 14 minutos at South Beach,
Isn’t it all relative
Challenging the status quo and the sound bytes of playing it sale is no longer sine qua non.
Isn’t it all a gamble from the cradle to the grave, incombent on risk taking riding rough shod over mediocrity.
"In yer face", Prince Albert slipping his hush puppies under his wife’s bed in futuro. Queen Victoria’s diaries.
It begs the question whether or not finding one’s Holy Grail, is but a feather in the cap of basketball’s ultimate crowning.
"Heaven is on the way to it , June 7,2012?," cried the Duke, riding shotgun. John Ford’s "Stagecoach"