The City of Brotherly Love….Andy Hardy pedaling his WesterUnion bike, breathed in deeply, a his unconscious, grasped the origins of the United States of Americ. His own perspective, limited to Paul Revere, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton……thru the 21st0thCentury heroes like his own immigrant Berdechev Russia mother and Dusseldorf Germany father….(6 Mertengasse)
Esther Kamisky (Danny Kaye, Mel Brooks) Adler and Curtis“the Name Detective”
“Montana Frank”, their E.T orbit of North Hollywood,California…. neighbor and his family of six children.
Wife Virginia out of White Plains, Westchester,NewYork…”Gaqrlic Bread”, Terry, Sea Bee Jim, the Christian Science twins, their oler sister….how Montana Frank, a 4 star athlete out of South Pasadena High, and a football lettermanfrom U/C Berkeley… pilot bombadier out of WW2 and a selfless hero, rescuing Esther across the street from the demoniac grip of her firstr born….the bully known as the cream cheese bandit for shoplifting a silver wringly packet of Philadelphia cream cheese from a Safeway supermarket in Los Angeles.(Pico Boulevard, a block East of South Western Avenue.
But the City of Brotherly Love wasn’t the stage foir Andy Hardy delivering the Montana Frank wire from the Pentagon. “The en d of an era” as his youngest daughter Margaret (“Garlic bread” said in her own space in Hamilton, Montana’s funeral home.
July 27, 2016. “Rocky”….City of Brotherly Love…