Cry the flood of tears until the ducts are empty. Larger than life, he entered our own ocean of humanity..Midwood High School@Brooklyn College, in the dual role of Social Studies(civics) and varsity tennis coach sixty seven years ago.
His intellectual yearnings may have begun long before his imagination settled on his sweetheart and wife "Kappie"...., embracing his selfless role in the Brooklyn cosmos of Brownsville. Where Hopkinson and Sutter Avenues intersect. The Hebrew Educational Society (HES) community center.
A reality scene beholden to Meyer Lansky Bugsy Siegal Al "Bummy "Davis ‘s Murder Inc..
Luminaries like Danny Kaye Abe Stark, the Ebbets field clothier ("hitting our sign on a fly we guarantee a suit") former Borough president. Post WW2 , son Ray, playing out his role as an agent, in the Grauman Chinese tinsel town syndrome.
His wife Fran, Fanny Brice’s daughter.
Murray fell into the wand of youth, spellbound by Rabbi Alter F. Landesman (1922-65) who masterminded the community center’s "Jerusalem of America" growth..
Those early years of classroom teaching and coaching seemed propitious, the school’s inscription ‘Enter to grow in body mind and spirit....Depart to serve better your God your country and your fellow man’
Althou those practice tennis duals at Kelly Field Mammoth clay courts Wingate field may have given Murray myopia, he honored us with an ‘M’ , a passport back to the Beverly Hills Tennis Club. and a transition as a scribe at Ucla’s Daily Bruin.,.. Henry Fuchs, English Chair @ Midwood’s Argus... Julie Raskin, Boys Physical Education chair, parlaying the pedigree.
Murray was Julie’s "Godfather". His star quality found its way unto the United Lawn Tennis Association, the New York Times columns of WCR@NYTimes,com.,his championing of Alethea Gibson, the first Afro American woman’s number one and Wimbledon champion, .
His hard work and vision mirrows the greatness of the Big Apple and its diversity.. The immigrant flow into Ellis Island, passing the Statute of Liberty heralds the "Jerusalem of America" and giants like Murray and Kappie Eisenstadt, their ancestors and nephews and nieces.
Could a Cantor like Moishe Oysher of those 1930 yesterdays thunder his prayers for Murray’s departed soul.. ......
A role model and public servant on many different levels. Brooklyn College’s impresario for its aging populace...the Center for political utterances, his glorious birthdays at Lundys in Sheepshead Bay: the gratuitous telegrams (text messaging) from Woody Allen Marty Markowitz Chuck Schumer Matilda Raffa Cuomo...glad hands from grown up Ebbets Field 55 cent knot hole kids..... .
He and Kappie playing bridge at the newly built hi rise student union,
Do not count your years but make your years count. It’s nice to fall in love again no matter what your age.
We shared his inspiring space in and and out of the classroom " I may no longer be in the system. but I haven’t lost my fire,"he told WCR@NYTimes.com.
We loved him because he allowed us to be a part of his extraordinary journey into "tikkur olam"... repairing the world .
"When are you coming over?" he said in those waning moments of 97 years..
"Murray forgive us for one more sob....... the human who lost his way....hesitates at the crossroads of an arrow,. "I may not know how far... but I know where to ."
Midwood High School@Brooklyn College..............October 10. 2009

A reality scene beholden to Meyer Lansky Bugsy Siegal Al "Bummy "Davis ‘s Murder Inc..
Luminaries like Danny Kaye Abe Stark, the Ebbets field clothier ("hitting our sign on a fly we guarantee a suit") former Borough president. Post WW2 , son Ray, playing out his role as an agent, in the Grauman Chinese tinsel town syndrome.

His wife Fran, Fanny Brice’s daughter.
Murray fell into the wand of youth, spellbound by Rabbi Alter F. Landesman (1922-65) who masterminded the community center’s "Jerusalem of America" growth..
Those early years of classroom teaching and coaching seemed propitious, the school’s inscription ‘Enter to grow in body mind and spirit....Depart to serve better your God your country and your fellow man’
Althou those practice tennis duals at Kelly Field Mammoth clay courts Wingate field may have given Murray myopia, he honored us with an ‘M’ , a passport back to the Beverly Hills Tennis Club. and a transition as a scribe at Ucla’s Daily Bruin.,.. Henry Fuchs, English Chair @ Midwood’s Argus... Julie Raskin, Boys Physical Education chair, parlaying the pedigree.

Murray was Julie’s "Godfather". His star quality found its way unto the United Lawn Tennis Association, the New York Times columns of WCR@NYTimes,com.,his championing of Alethea Gibson, the first Afro American woman’s number one and Wimbledon champion, .
His hard work and vision mirrows the greatness of the Big Apple and its diversity.. The immigrant flow into Ellis Island, passing the Statute of Liberty heralds the "Jerusalem of America" and giants like Murray and Kappie Eisenstadt, their ancestors and nephews and nieces.
Could a Cantor like Moishe Oysher of those 1930 yesterdays thunder his prayers for Murray’s departed soul.. ......
A role model and public servant on many different levels. Brooklyn College’s impresario for its aging populace...the Center for political utterances, his glorious birthdays at Lundys in Sheepshead Bay: the gratuitous telegrams (text messaging) from Woody Allen Marty Markowitz Chuck Schumer Matilda Raffa Cuomo...glad hands from grown up Ebbets Field 55 cent knot hole kids..... .
He and Kappie playing bridge at the newly built hi rise student union,
Do not count your years but make your years count. It’s nice to fall in love again no matter what your age.
We shared his inspiring space in and and out of the classroom " I may no longer be in the system. but I haven’t lost my fire,"he told WCR@NYTimes.com.
We loved him because he allowed us to be a part of his extraordinary journey into "tikkur olam"... repairing the world .
"When are you coming over?" he said in those waning moments of 97 years..
"Murray forgive us for one more sob....... the human who lost his way....hesitates at the crossroads of an arrow,. "I may not know how far... but I know where to ."
Midwood High School@Brooklyn College..............October 10. 2009