"Benedict Arnold in disguise the Ucla campus, October 18-24, 2006 revisited Thursday, November 5, 2009 " the Fort Hood Texas massacre"........ if he ventured off campus into the multi diversity of the planet’s gross national laptops and dynamic energy he would mull over "Flags of our fathers" 
Overwhelming disenchantment of World War 2’s hero Ira Hayes, as the Indian in and out of battle garb, sliding into addiction self destruction and oblivion.
Fresh off his Pima reservation, Ira Hayes soon realizes he’s being used and exploited by the power structure, painted in broad strokes as a role model and hero in the aftermath of the bloodcurdling murderous assault on the Japanese mountainous island, Iwo Jima, World War 2, February 19, 1945.
His odyssey belies the myth that he and his buddies were the actual flag raisers as they were photographed by Joe Rosenthal at the height of the blood bathed mountain..
That they were imposters in raising the attention getting second flag, the blood of the real heroes on their Souls for living out their lie for the rest of their lives in the American dynasty which made mincemeat of their ardor and patriotism.
Raising the flag was the linchpin for the assault on our own senses…Eastwood composing the funereal sounds, the ghastly mayhem and murder among youthful GI’s and their programmed Japanese counterparts, occurs in the name of politics and vague aggressions by the two governments.
The land sea and air bombardment offers no escape into trivia or bourgeois outrageousness…the maginot line of "Paths of glory"
The scenario’s inhumanity of war on the youthful landscape of the unconscious and Picasso’s "Guernico" questions the power structure, and indicts their haves have not thinking ……the business card gamesmanship and the futility of believing in the "games humans play on each other."…the Souls of Ira Hayes and his like minded buddies and amigos go down the drain of power politics.…."the Iwo Jima flag raising"
Woe is the suffering and loss of life as realized by the Gold Flag mothers as they learn the real Reality, Ira Hayes balling and sobbing reveals the Truth….the flashbacks into the crazies mercilessly playing out the deaths and stupidity.
"What the Hell are we fighting for?" the F words and vulgarity used over and over again to reemphasize the absurdity of it all. That civilization teeters on the brink in and out of war.
Why o why all that American blood? For what in God’s name?
Overwhelming disenchantment of World War 2’s hero Ira Hayes, as the Indian in and out of battle garb, sliding into addiction self destruction and oblivion.
Fresh off his Pima reservation, Ira Hayes soon realizes he’s being used and exploited by the power structure, painted in broad strokes as a role model and hero in the aftermath of the bloodcurdling murderous assault on the Japanese mountainous island, Iwo Jima, World War 2, February 19, 1945.
His odyssey belies the myth that he and his buddies were the actual flag raisers as they were photographed by Joe Rosenthal at the height of the blood bathed mountain..
That they were imposters in raising the attention getting second flag, the blood of the real heroes on their Souls for living out their lie for the rest of their lives in the American dynasty which made mincemeat of their ardor and patriotism.
Raising the flag was the linchpin for the assault on our own senses…Eastwood composing the funereal sounds, the ghastly mayhem and murder among youthful GI’s and their programmed Japanese counterparts, occurs in the name of politics and vague aggressions by the two governments.
The land sea and air bombardment offers no escape into trivia or bourgeois outrageousness…the maginot line of "Paths of glory"
The scenario’s inhumanity of war on the youthful landscape of the unconscious and Picasso’s "Guernico" questions the power structure, and indicts their haves have not thinking ……the business card gamesmanship and the futility of believing in the "games humans play on each other."…the Souls of Ira Hayes and his like minded buddies and amigos go down the drain of power politics.…."the Iwo Jima flag raising"
Woe is the suffering and loss of life as realized by the Gold Flag mothers as they learn the real Reality, Ira Hayes balling and sobbing reveals the Truth….the flashbacks into the crazies mercilessly playing out the deaths and stupidity.
"What the Hell are we fighting for?" the F words and vulgarity used over and over again to reemphasize the absurdity of it all. That civilization teeters on the brink in and out of war.
Why o why all that American blood? For what in God’s name?
Deciphering Hayes deterioration at the hands of the ruling "Citizen Kane" mentality back home on the American continent- the flashback rallies to sell bonds in the name of patriotism is jingoism at its loftiest Machiavellian stance.
To sell Colonel Lindbergh’s flight to Paris….to realize Amelia Earhardt’s search for the Holy Grail.
The sadistic masochistic flagellation and cruelty by the overlords-not a simpatico in the house- downloading the downtrodden fates of Hayes and his brethren….a janitor a farmer a drunk to be- the real victims of the "victorious" assault on a God forsaken volcano off the coast of Japan.
It breaks Ira Hayes, the Indian commando’s persona-as he stumbles thru the civilian ego trips, bewildered by the staged hypocrisy and charade.
Dismissed discarded and dissed , his skeleton tossed unto the graveyard and body bags of his buddies and amigos he left on that lava ridden Alcatraz called Iwo Jima.
He was never able to buy into the façade, the dissembling a merciless cry from the reservation he was born onto…. the myth of "The Plainsman" "the Last of the Mohigans"
Bullied into subservience, he was crippled by his reality compounded by the ugliness of the back slapping handshaking cigar smoking business card offering of his masters.
"The flags of of our fathers" shakes up any pre assumed perceptions of identities and tactics and strategies as one forges ahead to the self serving ambitions and tunes of human beings craving more than just survival and vanity from the cradle to the grave.
The Eastwood Steven Spielberg jaunt thru the American landscape in war and peace tramples our fun loving good will image of ourselves….
Brooding Ira Hayes refused to play the gig. He was too proud an Indian to sell out…
His buddies and amigos….the real heroes abandoned and left behind in those gruesome earth spilled graves and websites.
"The world is a positively realized community of interpretation" as Josiah Royce says at the base of Royce Hall on the Ucla campus.
An arcade down away, Ira Hayes’ alter ego seeing through the deception, read the inscription "They should learn beforehand the knowledge which they require for their art" Plato..
…Crossing the quad and its flagpole to the chemistry building, downloading his agony and sleepwalking stupor thru the mask of civilian living and hyped sensibilities.
The price of all our Ira Hayes, his buddies and amigos dying daily in Iraq…
By a leadership never holding a gun no less a machine gun or a bazooka. Landing on a forlorn beach in an assault boat, or beheading a Japanese in an eyeball to eye ball bayoneting,
Never being able to put themselves in Ira’s… his buddies and amigos blood spattered boots...
The Big Apple, October 27,2006.... revisited Thursday, the 5th of November 2009 the Fort Hood Texas massacre.....