Hearing the down to earth “Requiescat in pace"

Hearing the down to earth “Requiescat in pace" by the larger than life bel canto diva, Marilyn Horne for Henry Lewis, her late husband., conductor of the Newark Symphony , your humble

blogger was primed to calibrate the cognoscenti of their twin souls.


However a dissonant shot that soared from an Iceland graveyard near the Arctic Circle, rings closer to home.........the Marshall Chess Club in the Big Apple’s Greenwich Village..

Here a “chess prodigy” named Bobby Fischer was acclaimed above the roster of members: resident and nonresident.

An adopted native son and classmate of Barbra Streisand at Erasmus High School across the River (at Flatbush&Church in Brooklyn) he identified with the smart money boys grasp of top drawer ego trips.


Becoming a “Sweeney Todd” on an international scale ....the mad capped barber seeks revenge on his “patrons”for what he thinks was a perverse assault on his species...a process he put on the back burner of his demoniac barbered board

Cutting his teeth at the chess club with his openings middle game and endings with 64 memorable games .

Wasn’t he the first to take it to the Moscow chess club spooks...Botvinik Tal Spassky(Iceland where Bobby trumped for the title) Petrosian Keres Smyslov Benko Geller but not buying into Karpov’s challenge, forfeiting his crown


When the issue of paying taxes on his purses arose, he took umbrage with the IRS on payment (“momma mio ”) and therefore played out his role in what was then Yugoslavia (the Balkans)....the Philippines and Japan’s chessboards...


Now a legal squabble plays itself out, according to Shelby Lyman, once Freeport Long Island Memorial Library’s Friday night host before Bill Slater ( the Marshall club) came to the rescue.

The heirs respectively salivating for their lion’s share of 3 million (“Toys in the Attic” playing out”): two nephews... his Philippine putative wife and child... a Japanese companion who can’t nail down a marriage license ( a geisha girl out of “Madame Butterfly”?)


The sound and fury boils down with 1) exhumation of Bobby’s remains 2) placing his DNA up for grabs ...,the chessboard yielding “zcheck” mate on his “heirs” going ballistic..

Assaulting his protective right to privacy in light of his demise..

“Surely you and the rest of us deserve better”.

Right? Right.

Bobby Fischer’s “reality”..,a Reykjavik Iceland cemetery.. a glacial view of the Arctic Circle, April 14, 2010