Whatever big words spill off the tongue like calibration

Whatever big words spill off the tongue like calibration or serendipity the “The field of dreams” and the players betting on themselves in a purgatory rivaling anything in Dante’s ”Inferno”. comes nowhere a blown call on a perfect game pitched 24 hours ago in Motown. June 3, 2010


All aggression and name calling ceases on the demilitarizing zone separating the two Koreas...suicide bombers in Iraq and Afghanistan (Pakistan vented their anger, cursing umpire Jim Joyce for being the culprit of an injustice... not seen since the serpent caught Adam and Eve off the beaten path to first base in the Garden of Eden.

The Security Council took our breath away from their deliberations on the Gaza blockade: a flotilla of activists trying to break the standoff. Even in America the partisans stepped away from their war of words to take a fresh look at the replay of a “safe” when the batter was patently out, the “habla el Espanol pitcher recognizing the mortal call on his immortal legacy..a perfect no hitter...27 up 27 down.

“I forgive the ump Jim Joyce. He’s only human. We’re a ll imperfect.....a grown up not crying nor aghast .... a billion humans throwing up their hands.

The astronauts walking in space had their walky talkies cell phones computer cuess glued into the nterpretations of why Jim Joyce brought this on himself and his legacy.


What to do to rectify the injustice? Call in the Supreme court? The former Preside of Yale? A knothole kid in his soul?. Would the baseball leadership have the common man at heart and restore honor to the 188 year old “Field of Dreams”

Or would they cave in to stare decisis and notwithstanding the hllowed cry of “The revolution has come” when a blind call “safe” should have been “out”


Little leaguers Huckleberry Finn Tom Sawyer of our civilized digital blogs web sites I pods Microsoft Apple confections in our cradle to the grave loop look the other way....avoid coming to grips with the theft and steal of a baseball pitcher’s soul in the fabric of America’s “Saveslls and outs”

“Griffy Junior” retiring the same day...a center fielder ranked with Willie Mays Joe DiMaggio Mickey Mantle day after day for some 24 years makes the call “a cloud on the game”

“Thirty lashes with a wet noodle”


The problem of calling a monumental play at first in broad daylight if it is a heist,,,:we wuz robbed” it’s a natural...but if like Johnny Vandermeer pitching his second no hitter under the Ebbett Field kleigs, the blunder can be mitigated.

“Moider the bum”

Ancient Dodger umpires....,Bill Klem Majorkurth have an alibi.

They were a “no show” for their aging eyes at Doctor Kochman’s ophthalmology center in its morphing guise.....formerly the Midwood movie theater playing out Burt Lancaster’s “Field of Dreams” in the Avenue ‘J’ galaxy.

In the role of an elderly knothole kid from Ebbets Field,,calling the outrage in America’s pastime..June 4,2010