Calibration of Duke Ellington Billy Strayhorn Ella Fitzgerald

Calibration of Duke Ellington Billy Strayhorn Ella Fitzgerald “Take the At rain”(Dave Brubeck Paul Desmond) with Prince Harry falling off his steed during a whirlwind polo match ..... a 25 thousand a pop charity event.,proceeds to college alumni across Continental America. And his lady’s desire at the University of California at Los Angeles..

The Big Apple’s haute monde in their finery....sipping their champagne from Cinderella stemmed glasses amidst the Queen’s youngest grandson slipping from his saddle for all of Darwin’s species to see...... in the middle of the great plain of Central Park. (Only the pidgeons geese racoons and a stray coyote oblivious)


Little did he know falling on his petard the first human to literally fly to his rescue would be our Major Fenton retired USAF

He and his frau were bent on the Duke’s A train for a call to Tavern on the Green before the wrecker’s ball and a morphing of the ancient landscape fof millions of Big Apple denizens who had gravitated into its midst for births high school proms weddings a Macy Gimbel Bloomingdale sale or a family anniversary ....

Similar to a Guy Lombardo “Ald lane syne” New Year’s kickoff at the New Yorker hotel..and old blue eyes the Yankee Clipper and Jimmy Cannon at Toots Shor putting one on at two in tthe morning a la “Woody Allens Qnnie Hall... Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue”)


“Major Fenton what the hell are you doing here?” whispered the fallen monarch to be.

“The last time we literally burped into each other was hanger one at Duxford Air Force Base”

“With the Duke of Edinboro and his grand mother, rthe Queen Remember?”

“Like yesterday Prince Harry....the actor Charlton Heston (“Airport”) flew in from Coldwater Canyon for the American British air museum Memorizing the Bard’s tribute to then to the America’s fallen while the RAF American crews flew a flly over from nearby Lakenheath.”

“What a memory you have Major Fenton. Bigger than Winston Churchill’s. His mother was born in your Brooklyn Heights, wasn’t she?”

“Indeed Prince Harry,” the Major administering a sip from his canteen to the youngest of the Royal family.


.......the turmoil of academia and intellectual post World War 2 on the Ucla campus, crisscrossing the Quad until the grass looked as arid and worn as center court at


Dr. Banos in Atomic Physics.... a transmigrating moment to J. Robert Oppenheimer’s “Dr Atomic” the hydrogen bomb politics in opera..........Educational Sociology starring Professor Frederic Woellner of nearby Hilgard Avenue. “Heaven is on the way to it”..retired Dean Moore carousing the campus on his daily stroll, the police in low profile. Actor circus performer Burt Lancaster sweating out his poisons on the track. .speaking at the alumni annual. His girl friend beaming

“Dr Charles Titus of Poly Sci’s “Politics” and “Legislatures and legislation” Machiavelli and Gracian. Nixon’s Gold Key Halderman&Erlichman in attendance.

Professor Ivan Hinderaker aiding and abettings..... Rand Corporatiom’s think tank assisting undergraduate sections....( case law on the moon, monsieur)... Economics one A and one B. steering clear of Statistics.....

Dr. Grant’s(flamboyant in a red flannel crossing the quad) Anglo American Legal System... Business&Government Constitutional Law... an ex Stanford engineer/

Professor Jenkins in lower division poly sci and upper Political Philosophy.

Lawrence Clark Powell of the Arts and Science Library, the scenario for the do or die cubicles of solitary confinement and public administration dockets in the basement/( hard drivecomputers data bases internet web sites cell phones Ipods where copying machines used to be)

Astronomy’s Professor Herrick....Philosophy’s Pragmatism Piatt, his reader Hans Meyerhoff, and chess’s(sdtudent union) Abe Kaplan.....Professor Graham (Sheila’s father?) in History....Sherwood in Jurisprudence.......Dean McHenry cutting the ribbon at the Riverside and Santa Clara campuses.

Ralph Bunche, LACC basketballer, falling in from his United Nations post.

The Politrical Science building named for his honored posterity..

Subject A’s remedial avoidance of being washed out flunking.....the Rotc V`12 gear above the rest...constanly being tested.....Stanley Gleis legal egle to the LA Rams Pete Rozelle’s NFL leadership.


The Holy Grail.....

Charles Grove Haines and his wife in Constitutional Law at Royce Hall’s first floor.....Professor Rolfe for English..(.New York Yankee’s Red Rolfe coz.)..and chairman Professor Booth (the old heroes monument park in the stadium that Ruth built.) Alex Carney in freshman English..

.French and Italian at Royce, ....(Novella Roma via Nomentano for a 30 day stay with Dr. Campi’s family)

Wenger in Elementary Psychology, Franklin Fearing in Social ... Gingerelli’s wife Sequoia Junior High in Reseda.

ASUCLA cache, Kherckoff Hall......Bill Ackerman, graduate manager and tennis coach his penthouse of an office (glossies of his history on the wall) his secretary typing our raison

‘detre for the Pubic Television Act of 1967..United States. Senate Subcommittee......

Harry Moore, director of publications

(DailyBruin’s sports editor Al Franken)) Don Ashen,treasurer in his 16th century renaissance office....overlooking the idyllic campus and homes perched in the hills and Snat Monica mountains.....toward Mulholland Drive .Beverly Glen and North Bundy Drive to the west

Vic Kelly’s sports office staffed by Jim Healy and Jack Leene...cheer leafer tennis team doubles H.M. Wammack.....the gridiron players mess hall..

Coed Brenda Joyce gracing Look magazine cover.(or was it Life?)

Clint Easttwood coming up to(old Bruin campus@ LACC... lecture about memorable

North Long Beach Junior High experience..Jerry Epstein, Charlie Chaplin’s associate


“Countess from Hiong Kong”...

Marlon Brando& sombrero with grand daughter in tow .. at the tennis staium matches.

Sexy Rex Harrison and his frauLillli Palmer cooing .. @rustic.Beverly Glen tavern ...

“M tEd’s Alan Young (Midwood High School..Argus profile 1944 )Janss Steps 1945

Harry Longway as prexy of the Jackson alumni office...was it Mrs Baldwin as ticjet manage. Her graying hair in its ocoiffed upswing? Crew cu tBill Keene....Asucla president and his subsequent appoinment as a Superior Court Judge....Sherill Luke following in his footsteps..Yosal Roget the ‘45 Presdient...Grover Heyler becoming president of Narsad...healthy minds across America...

Al Lapin and brother Jerry once of cool Far Rockaway.... Ihop pancakes....

Saturday’s Coliseum pigskin ticket taking, counting the house, the USC Trojan Horse crosstown rivalry playing out in all athletic struggles contests you name it.

Masonic club on LeConte.... Religious Conference Building and Rabbi Bernie Harrison

McGowan Playhouse’s.”Mozart and mushroom barley” Pledging ZBT off Gayley’s fraternity row ATO (Alpha Tau Omega) putting us for a week or two before the coop and Landfair House elected us for two semesters.

Kherckoff’s trophy room(off the ticket office... vending machines)” Jackie Robinson Kenny Washington Woody Strode Tom Bradley Bob Waterfield Tom Fears Ernie Case Bill Ackerman Herby Flam Gene Garrett(post graduate..6am dj for Cal State Northridge) Noel Brown (Bill Tilden’s protege)

Wilbur Johns John Wooden immortal 77games, eleven times dominating the sweet sixteen 7 footers Alcindor, Bill Walton.... Gail Goodrich.....volleyball Guy Buccola...track star hurdler Craig Dixon....Al Kapp running cross country.... all state basket baller Chuck Clustka, tennis varsity Austin Sellery counseling at Claremont High...his silver haired teammate retired from the insurance game.... his manse on New Jersey’s gold coast....Kenny Nichols.

Extension Abbot Kaplan. Brooklyn College’s Skip Davidson’s son, Gordon..

Aarvo van Alstyne in Con Law at the law school Chancellor Dykstra, Franklin Murpgy, Chuck Young in that role.....Sam Selden George Savage in Theater Art playwritinghs (a plaque, James Dean lfor “best actor” like white on rice.)

Doctor Kostoknek in Political Geograhy....

Regent Ed Pauley at his Pauley Petroleum office on Highland....Dorothy Chandler at Los Tiempos, Sierra Madre....Norton Simon at his handshaking post (Jules Stein’s passing).

Ducky Drake as trainer assistant track coach to Harry Trotter.... becoming head track coach.(Betsy’s father, Cary Grant’s father in law)

Air Rotc’s Colonel Bing..... cadet commandant and varsity half back Skip Rowland alongside Moose Myers ands Jerry Shipkey in the backfield....Cal Rossi waiting on the sidelines.

Rose Bowl bound of coach LaBrucherie......Leon McLaughlin Burr Baldwin Ernie Johnson Don Paul Roy Kurrasch Bob Edwards Nickerson LeRoy Hirsch (transferee from the Big Ten) Jim Patrick McConnauhy and cattleman Brown on the line.... tackles Al Sparlis and Mike Marienthal anchoring it..

ASUCLA book store and basketballers Bill Rankin, Bill Lee(Greg Lee’s pop), Reseda High p.e Giant malts Tom Crumpler’s in the Village, opposite the Westwood and UCLAN cinemas ....

Laske Arrowhead’s camp for kids.snd retreats for alumni

The announcement of bringing out of retirement 92 year old Harvard Law School’s Roscoe Pound to head up the Law School’s temporary classrooms on the parking lots.. The guzzling Wilshire Boulevard Santa Monica buses depot in back of Murphy hall and the hurdy gurdy faculty club.


Opera workshop with Jan Popper...musica with Lukas Forss, Roy Travis..the high noon recitals at Royce Hall. (Janss Steps? Nevah!) John Wooden’s “pyramid of success”? Ackerman Union” West’s Alumni? Ronald Reagan’s hospital? Julie Stein’s ophthalmology radar base ... ...

Cutting the ribbon..... Catherine Riccio’s guest house off Hilgard.’s sorority row...Sunset to Beverly Glen and to the San Fernando Valley... Buck Henry of screen writing notoriety and “plastics anybody?” The Graduate..... Dustin Hoffman seduced by Anne Baxter.

Wrestling coach Briggs Hunt and Brooklyn College’s one legged Battle of the Bulge Leo Lowenberger

Baseball’s Art Reichle with foot ballers doubling...Skip Rowland....their 200 pound brawn and muscle shot putters Moose Myers Jerry Shipkey as blocking the T formation....Babe Hollingsworth, the chairman,Mr Montgomery warm up drills calisthenics tumbling horsey rope climbing volleyball.... finding your rhythm shooting two handed hoops.

Homecoming Gueen floats annually The canyon sings

Babe Ruth in his signature brown flannnel coat eying us as he walked toward the men’s gym on Westwood Boulevard. The Friday nighters at the women’s gym.. the basketbnll games at the men’s gym..ROTC’s .Stanley Kristolball of the VA’s neuropsychiatric hospital making an appearance.... . Sam Balter doing the play by play announcing on radio


Meanwhile back on the great lawn of Central Park..... Major Fenton cradled Prince Harry in his

weather beaten arms.....

“What say you to young Prince Harry? He capers....he dances.......he has eyes of youth, he writes verses. he speaks holiday he smells June and July: he will casrry ’t;

‘Tis in his buttons; he wil lcarry ’t”

The Fourth of July celebration the great lawn Central Park. 2010