Rugged individualism gone manic..

Rugged individualism gone manic, Charles Darwin of Cambridge University,

his reputation at best tenuous, anchored his HMS Beagle off the beachheads of


When to his astonishment, his once aging eyes came alive . Energized by footprints......naah it would make a believer out of him for the rest of his days on our minor planet

“Foot....say it isn’t true naysayer... What madness ist prints on the dunes?”


The Devonian lung fish once thought to be extinct had reached the threshold

of Jules Verne and Kirk Douglas’s “20 thousand leagues under the sea”

“Did the Devonian discard his gills for lungs and the pittter patter of being&

becoming landed gentry. His genome trajectory and genetic blueprint calling

for his Boulder Dam Grand Canyon metamorphosis beyond any Ovid could

dream of., no less fathom in civilization’s watershed..

The first burst of “creepy Crespie” emerging from the ocean depths, evolve unto

those Indonesian dunes.... pitter patting...............


Charles Darwin not yet a Sir Charles trid to hook catch cajole the lung fish into

a capture.......transcend human consciousness beyond a King Kong Fay Wray

notoriety at the Big Apple’s Empire State building.

Not unlike IBM’s landlocked Dr. Watson of “Jeopardy”, the lung fish

could only pitter paddle among the surreal Indonesian reality scene.

“ I’ve found a home at last.” if the Devonian could talk the walk of his species.

Or was it all futile? The battle lines drawn. Human compassion in limbo..

Rugged individualism gunned down...


“Willy nilly like I said I found a new home

Why submit to my genetic code? My DNA when my amphibian ipso facto is a mutating

facet of my evolving from the oily British Petroleum on the Gulf of Mexico’s sea floor..

Doesn’t my liberating stance go beyond Francis Bacon and the Bard’s ”Love’s

Labor Lost.”.”.Midsummer Night’s Dream”...with the Mick and Olivia de Haviland..

still carrying on......


“If my gills morph as lungs breathing oxygen, doesn’t the natural selection

of my duality in Neptune&MotherNature circumvent the Magna Carta..

Beyond Sir Charles voyage on the HMS Beagle to the Galapagos ?

A freak tweeting out his own tsunami..


“Eh what, Gunga Din?

Doesn’t it beat scrounging for landlocked water bottles?”

On an Indonesian beach, tracking the Devonian lung fish’s

pitter padder................................

Presidents Day, February 21,2011.