Benny Goodman

Benny Goodman toot tooting his licorice stick in his assault on Igor Stravinsky’s

“Ebony Suite” in a Hollywood recording studio, maestro Stravinsky conducting,

Columbia’s jazz ensemble, 1965


Five and a half decades later, coach ‘K’ of Duke University gunning for his assault on Boby Knight’s 903 (w’s) on the pines unlike Benny’s licorice stick, had to reconcile

the “wait till next year” for his“Big Dance” moment de triumphe almost in the same breath, the Husky coach Jim Calhoun in his 25th year at Storrs, captured his moment in admiration and joy as his grinning Kemba Walker (36 points) n his selfless led role stood by.

Alter bench egos and staff hugging each other as their unbeaten playoff Ncaa streak its full court flow rages on..

The surrogate father chewing his spearmint, open collar, tie unloosed. “The best player in America” Kemba Walker ...36 points in the paint and from down town, beaming alongside his maestro.


Little did Igor Stravinsky from his 1260 North Wetherly base in Beverly Hills or Wilshire Ebell podium grasp how his “Ebony Suite” would play out his aggressions on musical magicians

some sixty five years down the pike in Anahem...Newport Beach Orange County in its crib-like infancy.

“Oh my God,”he might have recoiled his baton as Ohio State, Kansas, Marquette, the Tar Heels of Roy Williams, Butler Richmond, Virginia Commonwealth, Florida State, Kentucky and Florida await his transitory tempo into the Elite Eight.

The creative and imaginative deceptions of these soulful genies displaying their larger than life

creative juices in the Big Dance’s dribbling flow& passing fast break with Benny Goodman and Igor Stravinsky’s own “Ebony suite”

Hardwood floors of college gyms everywhere, Ucla’s Pauley Pavilion, March 25, 2011