Bullied by Victor McClagen in his role of the gallows foreman

Bullied by Victor McClagen in his role of the gallows foreman  ,Frederic March as “Anthomy Adverse” took it unto himself, to lead the rebellion against the sadism that prevailed  throughout the slave ship’s voyage.


 The tongue lashing by the burly kimosabi of the Duke and John Ford, in no way caused Anthony Adverse to shirk from his leadership role, whether it was the stirring of the coals of Eugene O’Neil’s “Hairy Ape” ,William Bendix as the sweating shoveling coal “ or Anthony Adverse walking the gang plank.

Hence the Captain like Charles Laughton as Bligh in “Mutiny on the Bounty”, Anthony Adverse had to live by his wits.... a cat with nine lives.


What brought this once ocean of humanity to the fore, was the ferry debacle at the South Seaport, Pier Eleven, 24 houras ago. The fcerry crossing from the Fort Lee New Jersey shore, never made it to its berth, missing the dock, the cause celebre injuring 57 commuters, to the City that neb never sleeps..

The ensuing chain of causation woke up the first responders: the police, the firemen, the maritime commissioners and the politicos.....

As though they didn’t have enough for brain&skull lapses....the incoherent coherent dumbing

down the culture by television sit coms, the miscalculation at Pier Eleven is the tip of the Elementary School shootout in Connecitcut, the “Batman” rage by the Neuroscience graduate  student in Colorado, and the all encompassing declaration of war in the 9/11/2001 am bush of 3000 humans in the Twin Towers-Pearl Harbor. Calamity Jane,  reality scene..


 So here we are ...Anthony Adverse at the gangplank. “Do you wish to be blindfolded?, you scum?” asked the slave ship Capitan.”You can optt see your fate playing out. . You wont have to see the man eating palatable sharks below. Your last moment will be  finite, Anthony Adverse..

Take your poison, you scum.”

The sadism ands bullying playing out as the ship’s leadership navigated the shoals of

of psychological tyranny, covering up madness and the soul’s  concussion- like bifurcation..                                                                                


The sharks scenting flesh, snapping below.... the sharks above, relishing another link in their belts of authority role playing. Happy endings within this reign of terror was once part and parcel of the American Dream. Its revolutionary ferver and the Declaration of Independence.

The rebellion enjoying its Boston Tea Party......come the Revolution...


Anthony Adverse with the perfumed hanky of Olivia deHaviland, harnessing its fragranc on hias brow, “(his last wish”) he ripped off his blindfold and .....

 Fed the sharks mojo and appetite, dashing to the Captain’s berth, ringing the six bell alarm, snaring the wheel, liberating the sweaty “hairy apes” below.

 Reversing El Capitan’s  sadistic “street cred”, the Ocean of Humanity in its nativity, Anthony Adverse in the Captain’s berth, restoring the course.  Olivia deHaviland waiting at the Pier Eleven dock..


From the deck of the Intrepid and its Space Shuttle, the City that never Sleeps, January 11,2013