C. Aubrey Smith before he was knighted, becoming Sir C Aubrey Smith

C. Aubrey Smith before he was knighted, becoming Sir C Aubrey Smith.  Along with Gary Cooper (“the Coop”) and Cary Grant (aka Archie Leach) on his Coney Islandboardwalk stilts, hawking hot dogs, knishes, and a 50 cents keg of beer.

The unholy trio dressed in their tribal robes were aghast at their French Foreign Legion (“Beau Geste) getting the recognition from the electronic galaxy that it was the CIA and the FBI that done did Ben Laden’s son in law in, capturing him in his swami robes, roaming the Jordanian desert, searching for an oasis as his former father in law’s yearning became tentative. And weary.


Whether or not this caper takes Kim of North Korea and his basketball aficionado , formerly of the Detroit Pistons, Dennis Rodman,  it may be too early to determine if Kim’s nuclear threats are louder than their sound.

But once the CIA and the FBI captured Ben Laden’s son in law, it may be Kim’s threats are mitigated and the “Lives of the Bengal Lancers” along with “Beau Geste” are revived, their 21st century incarnations, realized in the real world, revived in our on line reel electronic galaxy.


 How did they done do it?  No one but you readers can imagine how the unholy trio lured Ben Laden’s son in law into their salon oasis showing  flicks, Arabian Nights into his unconscious.
Suicide massacres thru out the Arab Kingdom and African continent.    Could this capture be larger than “Judgement at Nurenberg?” Herr Goring committing hari kari before the “hanging noose” of Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster could make its inevitability into the real world.


However an erstwhile voice exclaims that “the War of the Worlds” is playing out . Orson Welles 1934 prophetic vibes transcend “Lives of the Bengal Lancers” and “Beau Geste”.

Ben Laden’s son in law apprehended and charged, his arraignment to be held in the Big Apple’s Federal District Court in the morning..

The city that never sleeps, March 8, 2013

the brain’s electrical neuron circuitry was a mirror of the cellular synapses in the genome project

On hearing the brain’s electrical neuron circuitry was a mirror of the cellular synapses in the genome project, the Cream Cheese Bandit, was optimistic about alleviating, if not curing, his  habitual shoplifting syndrome.

Didn’t Robert Louis Stevenson demonstrate the short circuiting in Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde”?


He remembered way back back when at ages twelve and thirteen,, he strode the halls and corridors of P.S. 217 (Newkirk&Coney Island Aves), he saw a freckled faced re headed girl named Jewel, being bullied and teased,  for her epileptic fits.

How could the inmates know the neuron s in her brain were short circuiting. That the map had imploded, affecting the mouth, larynx, throat, tongue. The very speech itself, immersed in the stuttering and stumbling.. neuron activity gone “haywire”. 

Could the mapping of those neurons way before the digital revolution play a role in Jonas Salk’s polio vaccine discovery? .To allay fears of degeneration, rehab way back when  the pioneering  thinking, prior to WW2, most of us were still living in the dark ages of the La Brea Tar Pits and the spooks of Alley Oop and Dinny the Dinosaur.


Therefore as the beneficiaries of the cellular DNA discoveries of the genome ten year project fades away, the U/C San Francisco Med brain mapping is at the tip of the  brain neuron iceberg .

Three epileptic patients were “mapped” for their circuitry and the tests were applied for a time period. Whether the prognosis seemed like a Doctor Frankenstein “primitive” we’re not sure. But the software combining with the hardware, brought forth the on line revelations.

In brain neuron circuitry, the three manifested dynamic neuron connections in the circuity. How could the nay sayers not now master their own “frog in the throats?”


 Jewel’s peers could no longer plead “stupidity”;  jeering at their classmate’s

isability and neuron electricity short circuiting.

Wasn’t handicapped Jewel but a microcosm of themselves?


Could Jewel, the butt of her peers bullying “superiority;” become the very mapping in the treatment and cure for the Cream Cheese Bandit’s  schizophrenic and split personality?

The city that never sleeops, Febraruary 26, 2013  

Classroom teaching was not a racket.... President Obama’s “Crisis in Education”

Chapter 51 revisited September 27 2010    

 Classroom teaching was not a racket.... President Obama’s “Crisis in Education” NBC’s “Today”   ;

It was throwing yourself into a ocean of floating bodies andd derelicts    

and wreckage and you had to eat  ttime and float    

and keep breathing so you don't panic and drown. 

They would eat you alive, almost as sure as flesh is grass And

God eats grass. 


The world outside the classroom had their own standard of success, but inside bungalows sixteen and three A, Mister Farnham and Missus Gates knew   

the buck and the gimmick and the phony and the promoter   

and the gigolo and the star and the starlet and the model   

and the movie agents were a shade lower than the   

street-walkers and bitches of Paris who sold their bodies   

without the flimflam of a pretentious illusion.  


    Sure Mister Farnham was partial and prejudiced; he   

didn't go into this battle for nickels and dimes, yet at   

times like now the challenge of doing the impossible   

seemed beyond his comprehension.  He wanted to tell Missus   

Gates that it was possible Joe Sablow could learn to read   

- but he also knew little Joe's capacity.  An overload   

capacity is like a tightrope walker, treading the rope as   

a hurricane bears down.  



Let Morris Pitchford tell Missus Gates what the score   

was.  That little Joe needed professional help; that the   

teacher had become de-sensitized by so many housekeeping   

chores that a boy's brain couldn't be studied when   

thirty-five other brains were demanding equal time.    

Little Joe need the University reading clinic, not Mister   

Leon Farnham.  


    Why should the classroom teacher - the heart and belly   

of the entire operation - waste his time over Joe Sablow's   

third grade reading.  The principal was the public   

relations genius, the great white father, the butter and   

egg man; let him say a mouthful of nothing to Missus   

Gates.  Why the hell should Mister Leon Farnham be a good   

humor man, bartender and wet nurse to the parents of his   

students.  He had been hired to teach.




Missus Gates waited with the over consuming patience of   

desperation.  Her foster son couldn't read at a pace   

faster than an eight year old.  What if little Joe Sablow   

grows up and can only get a job in the post office   

pidgeon-holing letters.  What if the neighbors and   

relatives ask how little Joe's earning a living.  Should   

she say, "He's working in civil service." or "He's a mail   

clerk in the Post Office."  


    How could little Joe concentrate in such noisy   

classes, where boys and girls got up whenever they wanted   

to.  How could little Joe ever learn to talk in words   

outside the vernacular of his adolescence.  "Read good,"   

"nice kids," "read find," "cute girl," "cool guy."  


    Maybe it was Mister Leon Farnham's fault thought   

Missus Gates.  Maybe I should report him to the principal   

and the Board of Education and get him fired.  I can too,   

you know.  I'm a taxpayer.  What business does Mister   

Farnham have not improving my husband's first wife's real   

son's reading ability.  I'll stir up the PTA about this   

and we'll see who's running this three ring circus.  


    "I'm a taxpayer and damn it all, if they spend my Tony's   

money for beautiful looking schools, and lousy teachers   

can't stop the kids from tearing up the walls and making a   

mess of the rooms and the blackboards, then all the audio   

visual material, PTA meetings, teas, cookie drives, are a   

waste," she said.  


    "No, Missus Gates," said Mister Leon Farnham, looking   

directly into the window of Missus Gate's brown eyes.    

"It's no ones fault but your own for letting things get   

out of hand.  The French Revolution didn't come while   

Madame De Farge knit.  You forgot to plant the seeds of   

tradition.  You forgot to let roots grow in a desert.    

Education is quicksand in your son's case, he's sunken   

deep into the waste of the disposal.  Missus Gates, little   

Joe is in the cemetery and if you don't take him to a   

reading clinic, he'll be buried alive.




You don't want little Joe to die at thirteen and be buried at seventy.    

You want him to live and breathe and taste the flavors   

that pour out of people's minds when they struggle for   

their identity and learn who they are.  An effort which   

transcends their own prisons of flesh and perhaps carves   

out a universal design, for future generations to learn   

and live by.  If these people who come after us perpetuate   

the design, perhaps the earth as we know it, will become a   

better place to live and work in. 


Missus Gates, this life is damn short, it's loaded with bull and propaganda 'cause people want to distort the facts when their self-interest   

is on the stake.  Call the University reading clinic, get   

an analysis of the boy's sickness and plan a program at   

home where you read aloud to him. 



Let little Joe discover the stories of Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, the poetry ofEdward Lear, David Copperfield, Robinson Crusoe, Alice in   

Wonderland, Treasure Island and the Mother Goose Rhymes.  


"Missus Gates read to your self .....,Shakespeare's    

`Macbeth'and the Midsummer Night' s Dream and Little    

Women and Gulliver Travels and Moby Dick


'If sickness and sometimes death is contagious then so is     

optimism and enthusiasm and love and spirit and    

tradition are contagious.  (“hear here”)


You wouldn't be here at school today if you weren't a woman of good will.  Look around and you see the apathy of most parents; they aren't here,   

yet their children are the ones who need the most help.  I   

wouldn't be here either, if I didn't believe in the   

struggle and trying to win.  There is a lot that needs   

wanting; how can I overcome my moments of emptiness and   

despair and tiredness and exhaustion and brain pounding.    




I see myself, a vision in solitude, kneeling by the water   

dikes, packing bag upon bag of cement, hoping beyond all   

hope to stop the dikes from flooding.  And throw back the   

raging sea.  If you and I throw in the sponge and become   

disillusioned by apathy - where less than five per cent of   

the parents show up in a school of over two thousand   

students - we'll all drown together and little Joe will   

drown with us."  


Missus Gates looked at the clock, urging the bell to   

ring and the period to end.  She couldn't remember the   

torrents of thoughts, but she did remember seeing a tongue   

dart back and forth in the crevice of Mister Leon   

Farnham's face.  She, somehow, felt that the tongue and   

the brain of Mister Farnham were somehow tied up together.  


Sure - a lot of the stuff he had said was repetitious   

and boring and had been said before, but, maybe, as one   

grows older, there isn't much to be said about life,   

except to add insight into what was once thought, was   

known, and make it knowable.  Otherwise, it's all a waste   

of time.  


Mister Farnham made himself clear; he hit the points,   

perhaps a little too emotional at times, but he, like   

Missus Gates, was a person of good will; otherwise he   

wouldn't be in the classroom, but would be out hustling   

cars or conning a customer into buying something he didn't   

need or throwing him a pitch about some lots in Salton Sea   

in the Imperial Valley, which for a couple of pennies a   

day or three hundred down and thirty a month and "they're   

drilling for water, don't worry about it, the main thing   

is you'll make money. 


Today's foreclosures are tomorrow's bargains."




    Missus Gates was impressed with an impression that   

Mister Leon Farnham was a windbag, perhaps a person with   

an inferiority complex who had to live in two world's -   

the world of the adolescent and the world of the everyday   

eat 'em alive. 


A man torn in half by turmoil and distress.  A man schooled and educated.  A man with enthusiasm and some internal flame which ignited his   

ego centricity.  Maybe he was crazy?  Why else should he   

stick his neck out.  For growth?  Development?  Whose   

development?  And what direction would it go?  The way of   

Jefferson?  Napoleon?  Lenin?  Hitler?  Modern   

Republicanism?  De Gaulle?  Mao Tse Tung?  Khrushchev,   

"Ike"?  Peaceful coexistence?  Ronnie ("the Gipper")   

Reagan?  Brezhnev?  Andropov?  Gorbachev?  Perstroika?    

Glasnost?  The Ayatollah? Obama and his open mindedness? 


    "Get you half brother Charlie," said Missus Gates to   

her real four year old son.  "We have to go to his next   

class; it's his last period and then we can go home.  Nice   

meeting you, Mr. Farnham, it was nice talking to you."  


3000 miles aoross th e other  side of ou r Continent.... the Big Apple, February 23, 2013   revised




All the world’s a stage

All the world’s a stage”, an orbiting lab on the planet..                                   

The classroom but  a spike in the wheel..

Teaching being the transforming energy in that hub.
To teach, you cannot think of yourself as a teacher.

You have to lose yourself to find yourself..

February 23, 2013

Out for the nonce, 2/22/13 9:41

Insert room numbewr.....lassroom Or the scene in thew West Valley, rehabilitating delinquent boys.....which scene is most apropos?

A Chemist and basketball innovatoir inventing Showtime

A Chemist and scientist, his periodic tables (symbols), breaking newterritory, morphing into legendary basketball , inventing Showtime”, the Laker cheerleaders: the springboard and positioning his Fate to his “Magic” mountain, capturing ten championships, motivating his players to fulfill  their own potential.

A Shangri-la?   Magic Johnson, Kareem, James Worthy, Bryan Scott, Jabbar Wilkes, and   Pat Riley in his starring role as coach, collectively climbing the NBA map of Dr. Jerry Buss’s culture, mesmerizing power into single-mindedness, mastering the periodic table of chemical symbols.... a basketball full court press.

When he passed away several days ago, his legacy: “Showtime” Forum Staples Center street cred determinism was playing out...a trash talk of playground hard drives to divine providence... the promised land.


The Chemistry PHD ( the campus of the Trojan Horse), 1950-4) spent a semester or two, setting the example in the lab, his neurons transcending that reality scene, for real estate preponderance,  his ultimate quest the Jack Kent Cooke Lakers: dribbling passing weaving ball handlers, streaming at Inglewood’s Forum.

The Celtics of Boston, led by cigar smoking Red Auerbach, had discovered the Shangri-la on those parquet floor.

Immortals like the Harlem Globe trotters had passed their Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington torch to “aahs” and “gasps”, leading to man to man tempos and screens. To befuddle the defenses.


Doctor Buss identified with these crowd pleasing athletes like the Kansas University 7+ footer the counterpoint to the Celtics Bill Russell.....

Wilt Chamberlain.


Dr Jerry Buss and his alter egos brought their million(s) dollar offer to Jack Kent Cooke, the Cooke corporate group accepting the Chemist come real estatenik’s offer of two hundred million plus.

Chick Hearn the tv radio voice was their mouth piece. Ucla’s announcer Sam Balter was into a his pantheon of discovery. Darwin’s evolution, born a dream at Cambridge University.

Dr Jerry Buss proved that ‘Showtime” was his Galapagos Islands..


He identified with “Showtime” ‘s  mind boggling celebrities, focusing his vision, having Jack Nicholson, Gypsy Boots, Dyan Canon, Kirk and Michael Douglas, Dustin Hoffman endorsing his Chemistry off the charts.... unto the sweat.s.


As his empire grew, he brought&bought in proven college players.....Jabbar (Lew Alcindor from coach Wooden’s Ucla immortals), Magic Johnson (Michigan State), Dr Buss crying when “Magic” his point guard crying, “I got H.I.V, Dr. Buss”) Shaq O’Neil, Kobe Bryant, coaches Pat Riley, Phil Jackson

Earlier player and general manager Jerry West, Elgin Baylor, Gail Goodrich, Norma Nixon, Pat Riley as a player(Kentucky)

James Worthy, another alter ego of those Magic Johnson quintets....the fans metamorphosing into a “Tempest”, Chick Hearn never missing a  beat as the television audiences grew in what was once a a “wasteland” on what was once orange groves morphing into freeways.


A  chemical reaction worthy of any radiation than Dr Jerry Buss ever had in the USC lab and classroom.  Ten championships,  capturing the Celtics and their immortals. Bill Russell, Havilchek, Sam Jones, KC Jones, their radio announcer, and Auerbach’s cigar and legendary smoke.

.Larry Bird, “The Chief” and McHale.

 Danny Ainge, point guard, become general manager.


The inevitable playing out: cancer and kidney failure, Dr Buss  in intensive care, saw his Chemistry steadfastness realized at the value of one billion dollars.

At 80, he saw his own  alley oops, crashing the boards, in the paint, give&go, all court vision morphing into his pursuit of his Lakers, identifying with his “stars”.

 NBA President David  Stern and Wilt Chamberlain.

Introducing the full court time clock...bringing the biscuit up from basket to basket... ten second shooting “swish swish” thru the cords, from downtown, the 3 point morale breaking “lalapalooza.“


Coming off the bench”, the sixth man from the campus of the Trojan Horse(USC), in the guise of a Chemistry Professor, morphed as a playermick named Odysseus.

The city that never sleeps, February 21, 2013.    ...the Wingate(Midwood) Field blacktops, the feisty Gremlins, the Comets, the East Midwood nerds from Ocean Avenue East Midwood Center 7 decades ago.


Allegory indeed?

Allegory indeed?  A meteorite crashing Russia’s Ural Mountains.  An An asteroid plunging from the galaxy 10000 miles from our minor planet Earth, almost in the same motion, the same day.

What hath make of this coincidence”?


The Blade Runner of the London Olympics is charged of murdering his super model girl friend in Pretoria, South Afroca, the fame and notoriety in living out the good life, behind that life style is comparable to the Maine University NFL Kansas City linebacker, committing  relative “domestic violence” on his wife of two months and taking his own. Concussions and memory lapses, beholden to his   emotional wrath.

The constancy of the appearances and reality motive suggests that a neanderthal man like W.C. Fields “ Didja ever know? A sucker is born .....” literally for the unrequited passion gone menacingly sour, in its relative frequency.

The Bard’s “Love Labor Lost.”


What hath this departure of the species?  Spawning their demons, yet within their own vibes of desperation. No paparazzi to contend with, rue the day to day syndrome, no longer viable enough to sustain and fill their cupeth over.

Invasion of privacy, mob rule prevailing in the abyess of mass audiences being part of the equation, the hip exploiting the audience with prizes of acclaim and rewards beyond Mount Olympus.

The culture surfeited with tongues unleashing their saliva in a time when mother nature has unleashed her own fury upon morality gone off the wall, as W.C. Fields aforementioned.


The film producer and director(“The Champion”) Stanley Kramer ,tried to reconcile this gap between appearances and reality. Far from the maddening crowd, his “Ship of fools”, starring Vivian Leigh, Jose Ferer, Simone Signoret, and Lee Marvin.

They played out Katherine Ann Porter’s artistry. The widening gap between appearances and reality. Sailing on the ocean of their humanity, Ship of Fools plays out the disenchantment of 3000 passengers...the disaray, arising from the fire in the engine room of the “Triumph” ocean liner.

Living out their Dickens Great Expectations”, the passengers become prisoners: shedding their skins, drifting in “Anthony Adverse’s ” first class turned third class steerage, the liner

steering ever so slowly toward Mobile, Alabama docks.

A showered passenger arriving in Galveston, Texas: hunkered down, a burger front&center, he identified with the appearance and reality vacuousness playing out.                    


A reversal of roles, indeed.  The transformation never like in “”Mutiny on the “Bounty” Clark Gable as Fletcher Christian rebelling at Charles Laugton’s “Captain Bligh”  command of the ‘Bounty’.

Franchot Tone seen as an aristocratic scrub, witness to the sadistic headwinds and currents, stalking the ocean of humanity lapsing into a Hurricane Sandy like mode.

Marlon Brando playing out Gable’s role half a century later, “the Bounty’s mutiny”   Very much in his imagination.

I waz  once a contender (“On the Waterfront)


The “Ship of Fools” however ruminates from the 15 th century. The appearances and reality  dissonace playing out for over 6 hundred years. Mother nature exploiting human nature like the  plague, a surge on our ocean of humanity.

An allegory? “Unconscionable..”


The city that never sleeps, February 16, 2012.......

The alchemy and mix of Bogys High Sierra and David Jansens

The alchemy and mix of Bogey’s “High Sierra”and David Jansen’s”The Fugitive”” is  not so much the idiom (film and tee vee) but its resounding stance into the Los Angeles police department’s bureaucracy having the elasticity and open mindedness to rethink their firing of one of their own... a killer no less, on the loose.


For a J. Edgar Hoover to question his FBI agents brain waves in and of itself is like throwing a like throwing a life preserver to Spencer Tracy in “Captain’s Courageous”.

When did the J Edgar’s look into the mirror and review their authoritarian script and its scruples vis a vie the whiskering of time?

What fools we mortals be” not to engage in a  soulful dialogue and reflect on whence we came and what we become.

Bringing up father” may be the very mirror., The reality check of questioning judgements

about one caught up by the chain of command’s very own. To tolerate a police chief like Charles Laughton perversely chasing a fugitive like Frederic March thru the Parisian sewers for stealing a loaf of bread in Hugo’s “Les Miserable” (“The phantom of the opera”) is one thing, bu to take for granted a five year old firing, without giving it a new look is more than self serving.

It undermines the foundation of discovery&growth. “To know is no less to feel”, is to take a second look at the basis of what drives a rogue cop to take the “Hi Sierra”  ego trip of Bogey’s revenge.


To vindicate himself five years later, in itself is incriminating the rogue cop as he believes he alone can settle the alleged persecution. Not to go quietly.....

Ah that’s the rub..

The city that never sleeps...  a  blizzard  affecting 40 million in the tri states, February 9, 2013

Anthromorphic annexation

No one in Carnegie Hall knew the difference. The anthropological annexation of  The midnight ride of Paul Revere”, with heavy duty Napoleonic deletions of the little Emperor’s name from mmanuscripts ascribed to Beethoven in Venna, Mozart in Salzburg, and Goethe in Weimar

The fait accompli and chain of demise of Saturday snail mail being thrown under the gill o tine in the States: its birth and termination was as vast and glorious as the continent itself.


So traumatic was the obituary that Oscar Levant, the with, pianist to his composer and friend George Gershwin, that he had a second movement keyboard bloc on George’s “Rhapsody in Blue” that conductor, Paul Whiteman, tapped Levant’s chain smoking nonce with his baton twice, so he could get back into the beat.

No one of the Carnegie Hall brass and free loaders knew the difference.

Certainly not Isaac Stern, .the violinist who brought the Hall’s presence back from dinosaur extinction.


Listen my children and you shall hear the midnight ride of Paul Revere” as his poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow heard those galloping hoof beats, foretasting the  pony express thru the Colony’s 13 post offices and the calibration of canceling letters, stamps and Saturday delivery in all corners of the New World.

On hearing about it by word of mouth or Western Union telegram ( Saroyan’s “Human Comedy”

Mickey Rooney delivering the wires on his bicycle. )


Meanwhile those other  dynamos of music and creativity, the composers from Vienna Salzburg and Weimar... Beethoven, Mozart and Goethe caught in the thrall of Napoleon ‘s “liberating worship” felt as Beethoven did.....Goethe’s Faust (Harvard’s lady honcho), his Egmont overture.

That the little Emperor double crossed their own ocean of humanity, deleting his name . In Beethoven‘s case, it was the Enrico, (Symphony 3) the Bonn giant crossing out the tyrant’ s dedication out with one quill of the pen. The other two immortals, following suit in their symphonies and Faustian prose and poetic mesmerizing.


But in the new world, the metamorphosis of those early hoof prints, the mail delivery transcended into stagecoaches, railroads (the baggage car) ships, prop planes( Colonel Lindbergh’s ‘Spirit of St.Louis’), jets, and space shuttles.... “Discovery”....

 Where would Charlie Chaplin be, if not for the West End in London, knowing his comedic genius could make it with his brother Sid, in Australia, except by mail.

The grosses in Sydney, Sidney?”

 How else could legal eagles, Universities,  best of the West, stake their stance in commerce and the marketplace. The digital marketing of on line imaging and synergy..


In our World War 2 ambience,  the Coney Island Avenue Post Office hired holiday temps from Midwood High School, packing the holiday mail, delivering thru icey Avenues H, I, J, K..
L.A’s Terminal Annex from colleges....Ucla, USC.

The temps memorizing zip codes, sorting out mail,  while sitting on  persecution stools,trying to stay awake, their eyes on the clock as the midnight shift came aboard like “Midnight Cowboys”. (Blossom Hoffman’s brother, Dustin)


Didn’t Roy Fitzgerald aka Rock Hudson get his break and change of gender, delivering special delivery mail to the Sunset Strip flesh peddlers and sharks.

Marlon Brando getting his special delivery up on Mulholland Drive from Marviola, a genius from Crown Heights and the Battle of the Bulge, WW2.

Faulkner sitting on the agony rack, at the University of Mississippi. 


Now it was coming to an end. A foreclosure, if you will.  Snail mail on the seventh day of the week,  the Sabbath, pleading from their soul saving prayers and blessings..

 Saturday night fever “but a tick of a flick, heralding the end of snail mail ....North Cahienga, North Hollywood,(3), Van Nuys, Santa Monica, Westwood Village , Boro Park, Montague Street, Court Street, Newkirk Plaza, Bay Ridge, Coney Island Avenue, New Chinatown.

But unlike many of the patrons of the snail mail, we will miss those glory days of Saturday first class mail verve, receiving news that couldn’t be delivered even by Mickey Rooney on his bike.

Expressions of warmth, love, sympathy that embraced both the reader and the composer’s hopes and dreams.

The citry that never sleeps, Febrary 6, 2013