The mass of contradictions in the L.A. Clipper

The mass of contradictions in the L.A. Clipper
multimillionaire owner Donald Tokowitz aka
“Sterling” may go back to his yesterdays  in  Boyle Heights, theL.A. basin’s City of Angels in retrospect (1934)
Arriving from Chicago’s Windy City at two years old, his reality scene: off Whittier&Brooklyn east west thoroughfares, (East L.A., La Habra Heights, Whittier’s Nixonburger, Fullerton’s orange groves, little did the spunky dude foretaste that almost eight decades later on our minor planet, the NBA’s reigningpowers (the owners) would knock the wind out of him,  at about April 26,the same day of his arrival in the Windy City, seventy eight years ago.
Little did we know when the LA basin’s sub desk would assign
us to Roosevelt High School above Whitier Boulevard, in Boyle Heights, the Donald’s karma was on our finger tips.                  
Greeting us at the front desk, was an old kimosabi from Sun Valley Jr. High, beyond the Hollywood Freewaycircling theSan Fernando Valley, toward Sepulveda the San Diego freeway, the Pacific Ocean.
Shaking hnds ,finding a common ground of small talk. “How’s it going? Have you been back to Sun Valley? Have you see Norman Schacter, the principal and NFL referee on Sundays. He hayour Brooklyn accent,” said the Roosevelt High honcho,morphing as an administrator, handing him the class program.
“They’re good kids. You got the gymnastic jock DonaldTokowitz , the president of the senior class. Big Don is into ourscenario. He’ll give you support, in case the kids throw any spit balls and give you a hard time.(long before cyber space arrived on the stage)
“Blackboard Jungle” rebels in disguise”, handing Major Fenton the assignments. Remember no trash talk, Major. They’ll have to answer to the Donald for sassing the United States Air Force.Detention any one?”                        
Thus hence therefore.. a leading man afortiori, is caught with histongue out“Racial”!
Some sixty years later, his metamorphosing from thoseHollenbeck Junior High Roosevelt High LA State (East L.A. campus)
His karma flowing into L.A.’s downtown Southwestern University School of Law. The metamorphosing for Major Fenton a decade earlier , the Roosevelt High sub a dub in thesame reality scene of Brookly
n Avenue, Boyle Heights, Hollenbeck Junior High, Roosevelt High . L.A. State. (East .A. campus)  
L.A. State (LACC campus) whence Clint Eastwood searching for his  pre Italian spaghetti karma, joined the fated destiny, not knowing the Donald and his Clippers would transcend theBunker Hill of 74 flights of stairs, the Hope Street scene, adjacent to the Los Angeles Library, and the religious calling of Billy Graham, the North Carolina preacher, who  cornered thesinful, challenging them to come forward and accept a post WW2 incarnation.
Meantime the Barber College and dime a dance” ,(Whattyadoin tonight, Marty?) flourished on L.A’s Main Street. The barladies were flashing their flesh, in their open door salons.Gingere Britton at the Burbank, while her rival stripper BettyRowland, did her Gypsy Rose Lee gyrations at the Follies, shaking and baking, the seismic needles off the charts.            
A frontier if you will, where the Cit of Angels was carved up into haves and have nots.  To the West the movie studios andglamorous wishful thinking illusions.. .Sumpous digs, fantasies playing out in the Hollywood Hils, Beverly Hills.
Social climbing status seeking, manses, before the freeways and the Sunset Strip and the  
A semi tropical reality scene where John Ford, a movie director,discovered John Wayne, the Duke, near the USC Trojan Horse,elevating his role from the gridiron, to riding “Shotgun” inStagecoach.      
It is interpreted in some cyber space quarters, that the “racist” accusation may be over shadowed by the medical diagnosis. The Donald is stricken with prostrate cancer and the puffiness in his facial features is symtomatic of the cancerous odes, affecting hiscells and brain neurons.

The Donald may have been a leading man like his fellow basketball titan, the USC chemist, who passed away last year. Dr Jerry Buss….
His Lakers and Donald’s Clippers sharing the double dribblefrom downtown. Boutycoons hailing from different reality scenes in the Basin.
Needless to say, “You can’t beat the system.
Heckling a pure shooter like former Ucla’s Bron Davis, unlike Jack Nicholson, a Laker cheerleader.
Here the Donald struts up the Baron, and therefore he can crank up his tongue: the privilege to tongue
out his player. A tongue trashing like any fan, beyond any Freudian self destructiveness.                                                
playing out in Staples Center’s mantradouble dribble fromBoyle Heights, Whittier Boulevard, Brooklyn Avenue,Roosevelt High School, Los Angeles State, and Southwestern Law, putting up his shingle in  tinsel town’s swirl of time gone swish.
“What hath the price of a swish? ”asked a gung ho fan, nudginghis neighbor, in his courtside seat.
“We are the stuff that dreams are made on. Our little livesrounded with a sleep, Horatio.
May 3, 2014. The City that never sleeps.