Dodger sportscaster Vince Scully made apronouncement

On hearing Dodger sportscaster Vince Scully’s pronouncement that he signed on for the farewell tour of his 66 year career, long before the  Dodgers   migrated lock stock and barrel to the City of Angels. Chavez Ravine in essence, the renowned EbbetsField on Brooklyn’s Bedford Avenue before, but a memorial scene vanished into the unconscious, orchestrated into condos and long leased  terrace apartments.
But it was Scully’s spirited articulation that made the listener’s donkey ears wiggle, the vibes crashing those potato crops,incubating between the lobes.
Ah! Those 66 years that Vince matriculated in his coast to coast “poetics”.. A fanfare that few mortals can attested for. “Sixty sixyears of a benevolent scorecard, penciling in the Brooklyn Los Angeles Dodger pastime. The “Field of Dreams” where innocence and base stealing go hand and hand. Even to stealing signals from enemy coaches on the baselines as dugout marauders disguise, camouflage their fingers, handseyebrow, caps . Swishes across their numbered blouses.
A metaphor into an allegorical cracker box,  mustachio on a hot dogged bun, magnifying a war: an aggressive battle, played at high stakes and moneyed free agency after Curt Flood broke the 7 year chains for being one, with his  sharecropper owner.
A glorious Peter Pen passage of youthful dreams, akin to sailing homemade sail boats on the Prospect Park Lake. The very motion, transfiguring the sails movement in the water’s ripples.
But it went beyond  high wonder, transfiguring Capra’s “It’s a wonderful life” starring Jimmy Stewart, featuring Ward Bond as the stalwart cop  the bridge as General Stewart was thinking ofhari kari. Despondent about his bank defaultingon his neighbors loans. 
Could Gladys Gooding  sing her lungs out to exemplify the bank’s failing? The rat a tat  of Hilda and her misfit band of pots and pans, their crashing symbols but a bleacher clutch for the 2014 Metropolitan  Opera union cataracts and contracts where once meeting of the voices and musical gifts  wasn’t a spoiler of a walkout. A federal arbiter into the clashing orchestration $s..
Would it all go down the drain? Could these broadcasters  of the national pastime like Red Barber, Scully’s mentor at EbbetsField, tactfully and diplomatically weigh the pros and cons.Liberating  each side’s position so they can once again “play ball” .
Negotiations   gone stalehumor and laughter    enveloping the once terse and tense battle field of give and take. Compromise being the rule of thumb, the name of the game..baseballs obiter dictum of a “prayer” to renew an open minded dialogue.

Not to say that Vince Scully’s adds an immortal gusto to the flowing poetry of his soulful lungs.. Transcending Caruso, derBingle,’ Frank Sinotra and all those crooners who gave an extra dimensional sparkle to  solemn words and melodious musical language on paper.
How could the intertwining of their brain neurons be reconciled? Where in our cyber space digital galaxy of stats, find a common ground.
A transcendental “Play ball” by umpires Bill Klem! Majorkurth!
Meanwhile how do the fans perceive Vince Scully’s 86 year old life? A poetic euphoria of 66, playing out  .His  mentor being Red Barber, coming from his retired “ catbird’s seat” in Tallahassee, Florida...
Never a shill for the owners…Dan Topping of the Bronx Bombers later. Nor the  Dodger new proprietors    LarryMacphail throwing the dice for a Dodger team, competing withStonehams Giants and those Baba Ruth Lou Gehrig JoeDimaggio Bombers from the Bronx.
Vince Scully’s legacy of 86 years may begin with the Gashouse Gang of Pepper Martin, Branch Rickey, Leo “the lip” Durocher, the St Louis Cardinals of Stan the man Musial with his harmonica, those batting eyes and memory, calibrating the pitcher’s arm.. The ball release off his  fingers.                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Oh those catatonic knothole kid 55 cent bleacherson the Bedford Avenue center field stage: Leo Durocher as player manager. “Nice guys finish last” retiring to the dugout, mastering signals to his Charley Dressen coaches…..Walter Alston, Tommy Lasorda subsequent managers at Chavez Ravine.
Pete Reiser concussion crashing into the center field wall,chasing  a fly ball .Dolphh Camilii on first, Howie Schultz  wartime sub, and Boston Celtic draft ,during Red Auerbach’s basketball immortals.
Breaking the color line with UCLA’s Jackie robinson at the midway point. Pee Wee, Eddie Stanky, Billy Herman, EddieBasinskiEddie MIksis, Pee Ccscarart, Bobby Bragan, Lew Riggs, Arkie Vaughan, Cookie Lavagetto Billy Cox at the hot corner, Junior Gilliam, Don Zimmer as a backup to  captain Pee Wee.
In left field Joe “Dusty” Medwick, Gene Hermanski….Center Duke Snider and Reiser.. Al Gionfrido chasing down a Willy Mays fly ball…The Waner brothers Lloyd and Paul..theadvertising sign  of clothing FREE suit if batter hits the sign”by Abe Stark, father to Ray Stark’s ”Annie”
Augie Galan Goody Rosen and French Bourdaray in  right….Dixie Walker and Carl Furillo, guarding the pasture in right field. Pitchers Wyatt, Higbe, Curt Davis, “Fat” FreddyFitzsimmons, Hugh Casey from the bullpen, Ralph Branca(married the boss’s daughter),  ace lefty Sandy Koufax from Lafayette High, Don Drysdale of Van Nuys High and owner of the Dugout” on Oxnard, Preacher Roe, Rex Barney, Hal Greg,Ed Head, Johnny Podres, Joe Black, Don Newcomb, Sal Magliethe barber, Bobo Newsome’s blooper ball, Cal Abrams, VanLingle Mungo. Managers LeoDressenCasey Stengel out of Glendale, Gil Hodges, his first baseman  extraordinary, *whose dream died too young, Walter Alston 
Mickey Owen of old reliable Tommy Heinrich’s passed ball,the hated Yankees winning the World Series , 1941. *The Mick passing at 89, Old Reliable at 97.
Roy Campanello, “Campy”, a  more recent neighbor of piano playing Liberace, Encino, California.
Vince Scully’s 86 years … thru two wars and 9/11. May the baseball Gods give him an encore, comparable  to Winston Churchill, leader of the free world, World War 2, whose voice was grafted by his mother, her birth in Brooklyn Heights, thirty minutes from Ebbets Field, where Vince Scully found his own..
August 1, 2014 The City that never sleeps.