Casting a knot hold kid from Ebbets Field and the former Governor of New York. A larger than life scenario for the Presidency of our vast Continent, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.
Could the former Mayor of Burlington, Vermont (winning by ten votes). Could that now dynamic independent U.S. Senatorrescue Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence from the cell phone, i phone, web pages… cyber space rascals that have the populace handcuffed by the technological sound and fury…
Ten years in central casting and the 70ish exe Governor of the Empire State, George Pataki, voices his resurgence in Executer, New Hampshire, for the White House.
Senator Bernie Sanders and Governor George Patakii the two formidable pros out of New York. Could they take their roles to a Ninth Inning stealing home plate on a squeeze bunt?
Bring the nation back to Paul Revere, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, Colin Kelly, General George Marshall, Harry Truman’s gutty leadership.
A leadership that turns back the clock to civilized times. “By George” his quiet mind…suspending the 3 time Govern MarioCuomo..whose dream as the son of Italian immigrants…to become a major league baseball hero in the likes of Joe DiMaggio…a 56 game hitting streak!.
On that two way highway to Bethlehem village, New Hampshire for hay fever relief in the White Mountains, Mount Washingtonand the Old Man of the Mountain, the ‘33 Plymouth….thru Brattleboro, Putney….Vermont mountainous rustic nature…Birch, Maple, Beech trees….….Dartmouth College on the verge of New Hampshire in Hanover( left handed Salinger’s Holden Caulfield’s “ Catcher in the Rye” Breton Woods, Laconia Notch,a foretaste of the United Nations, the hotel for diplomats,Keene…..Littleton, (Bette Davis birth), Whitefield….Greer Garson’s “Mrs. Miniver” on cue in the town’s movie house.
But what was playing out asked this corner, sitting in the back of the Playmouth. Passing the Burma Shave epigrams posted on the side of the two way highway.….the split pea soup restaurant…..old man Ness’s bungalow court and stable . The Howard House Hotel, past the Main Street movie theater, playing Irving Berlin Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas” Crosby’s top billing marquee..
The White Mountains the Old Man of the Mountains Mount Washington )(6288’)( the skki chair on the slope.
Here then was the scenic background for “Clifford Odets “Waiting for Lefty” the scenario for the Brooklyn born knot hole kid Bernie Sanders taking his cue on Brattleboro’s stage.
24 hours later, George Pataki, elected to test his own role in Exeter, New Hampshire.
Meanwhile that giant barrister, born in London…..out of Boys High, off Fulton Street in Brooklyn and Columbia Law school, Louis Nizer, was into the Howard House dais, practicing his forensics a la millionaire finesse.…his vocals for sevendecades, transcending our minor planet’s jurisprudence and jury trialexpertise and experience..
Could Bernie Sanders and George Pataki ‘s karma steal a pagefrom Brando’s “I wuz a contender” to the White House, the field ‘s coefficient of expansion pasting..
Old Man’s Ness biology to Elliot Ness, the scion into Chicagoand Walter Winchell in Hollywood: Robert Stack playing out the Elliot Ness role, the fearless prosecutor…..never remembering that the cream cheese bandit had ridden Old Man Ness’s horses in that Bethlehem’s cottage scene two decades earlier.
“Happiness doubled by wonder”……….the White Mountains, Bethlehem, New Hampshire
May 29, 2015 The city that never sleeps