“Ah to weave and interweave the myth of Ma Barker” (Shelly Winters of East New York, Jefferson High School, Woolworth’s five ad ten cent store, the Beverly Hills Tenn is Club and her “take” on t5he 2016 grasp of Monica Lewinsky of North Hollywood and the intimate Bill Clinto White House.
A startling providential issue is the dtyteof Texas’s Marshall’soffice, capturing in Mexico, the 18 year old fugitive and his mother for violating the son’s probation for taking the lives of four human beings in a gassed up traffic craze whick took their lives, the judge putting the 15 year old on probation, vwithoutserving any time. The theory being the the youth’s upbringing by moneyed parents, failed to give him,any moral distinctions between right and wrong..
“Money corrupts in this instance,” cried Ma Barker. “The 18 year old fugitive, aided and abetted by his mother,” claimed Ma Barker, demanding justice and a reality check o the Judge’s state of mind (since retiring,after weighing the spoiled yet fraqgile deportment of the spoiled son and his relationship to his influential mother, wehpo in her maternal ego trip may have engineered the tarnished releaSe of her adolescent son.
Leniencecy and looking sideways in our cyberspace cosmos, demands a rethinking of a criminal behavior of a mother son state of mind, when the mother seems to be the master mind of her sonm’s opwn evil behavior. But the judge’s leniency failed to takie in account the mercenary neurons played out by the mother, spinning her weave their knitting or croqueting their undue influence of money corrupts in more ways than one.
On another level, the Monica Lewinsky oval office with the President Clinton trappings, is a lesser ego trip, where anillusionary dimension of statemanship is manifested in an unbelievable North Hollywood impressive Monica from “Santa Monica”
December 29, 2015 The Cityh that never sleeps. .