Spend more h they earn

“Spend more h they earn, to buy things they don’t need, to impress humans they don’t like“, was the motto of route 66 riding roughshod between Deadth Valley, the  Mohave  Desert, 29 Palms,
Pinto Mountain, Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Riverside, San Berdu, Rancho de Mirage…. The gambling meccas of LostrWages to the North, and the card players vista Gardena to the South…..the City of Angels and the film industry’s sound and fury to the East.
In between the cactus desert sands, the Air Foprce
Supported bases at March Air Force Base, Norton ,
George, Edwards, Dusty Acres, the legendary shooting range 
for target practice while earning a UCLA Politicl Science degree at Westwood Village’s Ucl campus,Colnel Bing ,Chancellor Franklin Murphy, Regents Dorothy Chandler, Ed Pauley, ad assistat Chancellor ????? who arrived on cam,pus, fromneighboring San Berdu to make his 29 year mark on campus.????
The Charles (“Chuck”) Young research library named fo his 29 years.                     
It was in this ambiance, that the incidious haves and have notsarose in the souls of the Arabian Desert usurpers and conspiringmurders in 9/11, Iraq, Syria, Paris and San Berardino, California.
December18, 2015  The City that never sleeps.