What’s playing out “Our man Flint“?

What’s  playing out “Our man Flint?
On hearing about the Flint, Michigan lead poisoning pipes in the drinking water,” Henrik Ibsen, the Norwegian pharmacist turned playwright (Enemy  of the People, the Doll House…) identified with civic negligence, bordering on criminality among the Mayer and his personas, the Governor’s gray hair becoming grayer responsible for  not shoring up the  children and  adolescents who were the promising  dreams of their lower middle class parents, embedded into their cradle to the grave livelihoods.
An outrage beyond any outrages on the planet thought IBSEN as he thought through the particles of his once pharmaceutical prescriptions. That the negligence of the Michigan civic responsibility is fraught with the Flint leadership fraught with their images: THEIR  POMPADOUR HAIRDOS, their perfumed  hair dressing appearances.
The pop culture’s arrogance is but an aberration n of the pleasure principle crippling the very humanity the publicsurrogates authority as elected to perpetuate the public good..
What happened here in Flint, Michigan? Why did the fiduciariesand politicians  fail their constituents? Corrupt their own consciences? Sell out their souls for a graying stylishpompadour? An image from the time they get up until they go to bed?
Where did the “Sellout” and moral responsibility  go dastardly astray.?
But Henrik Ibsen was but an Associate Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black in disguise, his mental apparatus into thearistocracy.. So of the upper class imtelligentsia like Hillary Clinton h000000000000ad her minister give her guidance every morning, on awakening.(Not that Bernie Sanders is far behind (the child of immigrants, Nostradamus  ( Nostrand & Flatbush Avenues junction) Brooklyn College two years, University of Chicago degree…President Robert Hutchens.)
Mortimer Adler’s Great Books.
To perpetuate the very early promise and potential of those nurturing winning e spelling bees and Arithmetic tests Home Room elections in primary grades and High School Colleges(UCLA’s Gayley Aveue and Sorority row’s Hilgard.

February 5, 2015 Flint, Michigan  “Our Man Flint” playing out.