Leo Leo.. you’re great grand uncle Stanislov Kristalball...

"Leo Leo.. you’re great grand uncle Stanislov Kristalball...your great
grand father Harold’s cousin....*do you dig it, Leo?"
Leo in all of his twenty four months, alive&well on this minor planet, sniveled in his yellow painted hi chair, maintaining a stance of quiet diplomacy. Not uttering a syllable, nor a note of exasperation. He was much too young to grandstand, content in keeping a low profile.A very low profile, crouching in his yellow hi chair. An existentialist at 24months of aging, Uncle Kristalball. ("Take that, you spoofing cynics")


But of course the three Russian "Pussy Riot", a punk band the Moscowite hanging judge ("Witness for the Prosecution") described as hoologism at its most diabolical, touring the USSR Leningrad Ukraine ("Thre Gates of Kiev") Berdichev to the Black Sea port of Odessa.
Reminiscent of the Beatles in and around Liverpool and the Mercy sound,..
"Therefore the Court finds you young ladies of acts against the State, undermining our Orthodox Church."
" The Court sentences you to seven years at hard labor in the Gulag. But because of your youthful rebellions acts, the court reduces the sentence to two years . .....the "Pussy Riot" standing tall in their glass cage..


They had no patroness like Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s Madame von Meck. "Your fourth
symphony much like Beethoven’s Third...the Eroica.
Reaches "to the point of delerium"into my soul. Its motive of fate .
That fate wrote the composer is the tragic power which prevents the yearning for happiness from reaching its goal."
The language of sounds gave rise for Beethoven tearing up his dedication page (the Third symphony, when he saw through the little Emperor.


In the meantime the punk band "Pussy Riot" was playing out its hoologanism....Maria Aloyk Maalz Tolokon. Would their sentence of two years in Siberia be commuted?
The Chinese Communist party reduced the death sentence of one of their own, to life.. Would the Kremlin ...the revolutionary heirs of Stalin follow suit?
Where were Leo Tolstoy? Chekov? Nicolai Gogol? Boris Pasternik? "Crime and punishment’s" Fyodor Dostoyevsky? (At the Monte Carlo tables...bacharat anyone?)
Musical immortals in absentia........Rimsky- Korsakov? Igor Stravinsky ("The Rite of Spring") Serge Rachmaninoff ? Scriabin? Dimitri Shostakovich? Prokofiev? Glazanov? Borodin?
"Modest Mussorgsky’s "Pictures at an Exhibition"" literally My God, Leo," said Stanislov Kristalball to his two year old great grand nephew , sitting up in his yellow hi chair, a Mona Lisa smile on his 24 month old chops.
"Come to celebrate the memory of a great man",said the twenty four month old great grand nephew to himself, so nobody could hear,
A"Night on Bald Mountain" morphing as a lullaby for the two year old in the yellow hi chair.


Meanwhile casting the Pussy Riot ..Julie Christie reprising here role in "Doctor Zhivago? The Moscow Art Theatre‘s .Stanislovsky?.. Alec Guiness as the Commisar?
"I will take fate by the throat" said Beethoven.
Peter O’Toole retiring..Omar Shariff into his bridge tourneys, transcending our minor planet. .
Sam (Eagle Lion) Spiegal into his swan song.


"The Red Planet’s reality scene, Leo? Shelly Winters as Ma Barker? Fay Dunnaway as Bonnie ("Bonnie and Clyde")
"What does it say about the establishment? The unholy trio have been confined since March. In the lady judge’s reality scene, they were enclosed in a glass cage...
"Why use their police power, semblance of the Russian Orthodox Church... to thwart dissent via the language of sound?
"Why is the bureaucracy frightened? What are they scared of Leo?
Come the revolution?
Prometheus unbound*Celebrating his twenty four months at" hard labor", Leo burped........

The Big Apple, *August 19, 2012