In the hurly burly of the Sunday "High Noon" Ocean Parkway traffic

In the hurly burly of the Sunday "High Noon" Ocean Parkway traffic (Paris’s Champs- de-Elysees) the Aussie actor, marching as "The Kings stuttering..., Speech" therapist, his countenance, setting on ‘FOR SALE’ in the driveway of the decadent manse on Avenue I’s mansion row.


Having gained the triple threat ...Tony, Emmy, Oscar.....maintaining his profile in the "Phantom of the Opera"’s bloops and blobs.....his smarts higher than a kite( forgive the cliche) he hailed the B ll bus, bound for Brooklyn College’s 50th annual alumni awards.


By all accounts of what was once stage screen and radio....on line I phone and streaming androit....the information highway’s coincidence beyond coincidence, Governor Romney, at a $50000 fund raiser in Boca Raton’s mansions claimed 47% of the voters come November would not vote for him because they paid no taxes, were on the dole, depending on the feds to bail them out.
"That 47% are just not committed to my flavor" he said, a a hidden camera surreptiously capturing his confession, writing them off for President Obama.... and the South Side of Chicago.


But the 1947 Brooklyn College Alumni maintained their own soul searching flavor and time welching cutups......of Molly Picon, Fanny Brice, Sophie Tucker, Ethel Merman no less,
and those stalwarts of the Yiddish theater, their posters tattooed on lighting poles.
"The King’s Speech" therapist foun d an empty chair at table two in front of the dais and the cables to the mikes and unhidden cameras. V
A hundred year old centurion on hearing her name pounced out of her chair, leaving her fish and veggies..
"The class of 1932" announced the mistress of ceremonies. And the audience broke into thunder -ous, if not earth shaking applause.
When asked the "the secret of my longevity genes is only one marriage, lasting 12 years. He was a rat ," the alums standing in rapture as one of their own, entered her century’s promised land....
"Next is the class of 1933..."the lady sitting next, arose ,leaving her roast beef. "My longevity genes are just as resilient as the class of ‘32 .I loved the college scene that the Van Nuys family from Holland donated. Thank you all for coming and honoring my class. Many of those who could not be here. For them may I thank you. God Bless Brooklyn College."
"And we have one more from this very special and spry table. A 97 year old graduate, the class of 1936." Another great lady, tailoring her fish plate, rose to the ovation. "Thanks you all for this recognition and honor. The college was my springboard from the school of hard knocks, bringing my persona in to how shall I say, the promised land of fruition and big potential. I couldn’t have done it without you daughter and niece from Boston attest to that. God Bless"


The "King’s Speech" of a therapist couldn’t spook this once in a lifetime ceremony. A lost fore words luncheon. The laurels upon these three immortals made him think about his Tony, Emmy, and Oscar.
Wasn’t it all relative? Larger than life alumni Class of 1947. "Ne c’esp pas?"


A double feature playing out "Symphony of Six Million:".."The Charge of the Light Brigade"....a testimony to divine providence and these enuring immortals.
The city that never sleeps....9/9, 2012 .