Listening to Beethoven’s Egmont overture”from Goethe’s opera

Listening to Beethoven’s Egmont overturefrom Goethe’s opera, depicting his hero’s ideals during high tides, Napoleon the liberator metamorphosing as “the little Emperor”.


The composer taking Goethe’s raison d’etre and transformed its heroic trump into tragedy, crossing out Napoleon’s name from his Third Symphony’s dedication, the Erica..                                             

Come the Revolution in Vienna, Austria.


Here im the City that never sleeps, the tyranny wasn’t Napoleon revealing his true self, but a  cannibalistic Nature,  crashing down upon the denizens, many of whom inhabited a turf named Brighton Beach, two blocks from the wildly roaring wind capped Atlantic Ocean waves.


Evacuate Evacuate” came word from Gracie Mansion’s low land command center.

One citizen stone deaf to the pleas, awoke to four feet of surging salt water and a  frenzied fish, out of its orbit...                                                      

Never again,” cried the survivor, her middle aging life engulfed and surfeited by not listening. Almost like her hanging umbilical cord tied to her ear drums.

“I never did listen. That’s how I was brought up. Thinking I could outwit my beginnings My origins. My East Flatbush  roots.”


Not young enough to cry. Old enough to know tragedy.

I am wasted.,” she lamented, her hands gripping the fish. Slipping it into a bowl, once the savior  for the gold fish of her youth, the bowl lettered “Sandy”


You have to lose yourself to find yourself.

 Brighton (Russian) Beach, two blocks fro the quieted Atlantic Ocean. November 1, 2012.