My son my so

“My son my son,” cried the papa, the ex paratrooper of World war 2, those crow tracked eyes, piercing the soul of his lad…that same DNA who in searching for his niche, enlisted in  the Marines, the moment the Chinese hordes, stationed at the 39thparallel, bayonets out, were ready at the time of the North Korean invasion of the South to kill and cripple the Marines  fighting alongside.

What words could a father use to convince his son to identify with his blood, the human who gave him the puking role of ababy .
To evolve into adolescence and post graduate vistas thattranscend the Shrangril-a. Principal Bill Farmer’s Utopian landscape Beyond the open drive in movie  and the post office at the bottom of the Boulevard, to Glendale, the city of Angels….Chinatown, the Barrio..

Those five year old kindegardeners that Dorothy Roberts, the head counselorVerdugo Jr and senior High School, saw in histranscripts filed away in the counseling office. 
Filed away for posterity until Ms Roberts asked yours truly to bring the dossieof the ex paratroopers son: his DNA up to snuff.
Wasn  the high school subbing the divine providence  that brought the infamous Major Fenton to search thru Lenny Ros’ssumonscious. The genius kid who broke the $64000 tv quiz show, Hal March, posing the questions.
So M/s Roberts knew that the unconscious was exhaustively stored away un those records, the classroom teachers kept on their fodder of the ex paratrooper’s son,   enlisting in the Marines, instead of identifying with his father (“myparatroopers”)

Rereading anecdotal transcripts, (sociograms) the substitute grasped what was playing out in the narrative journals kept byVerdugo Hill  teachers.
That the classroom was a microcosm of the kids evolving into the marketplace and society.  Peer pressure, popularity,personality, status , were all elements within the paradigm. 
Teaching and the classroom was the eternal springboard.   The once adrift Air Force paratrooper’s son enlisted not only in the Marines   but into 21st century cyberspace.  
Therefore how then did “Forest Gump” (Tom Hanks) maintain his spontaneity and bewildered aggressions in such a paradise, Major Fenton?
“Believe me, it wasn’t easy. Being on a lobster boat most of his waking moments, Forest Gump was able to tread water and stat true to his nature.  He may not have served time free flying off transports. Counting ten and pulling the rip cord. 

“Oh no, that wasn’t his destiny. Nor enlisting in the Marines. He wasn’t a warrior at heart. Too much of a comic genius like Jimmy Duranrte.  Groucho Marx. Jack Benny. That kind of fun loving genius. That’s ForestGgump if we had to put it in a few words.

“Not a contentious  human. But that isn’t to say he didn’t have a soul. How he adored his mother. Remember. Tom Hanks identifying with the role, becoming Forest Gump.
Losing hiself  to find himself.
The law of opposites, Fest Gump  . Nothing is what it is unless its contrasted with its opposite.
Male and female species.. That’s what makes the world go round.  The paratrooper’s son leaping into cyber space.
When William Faulkner  trained  from Oxford ,Mississippi to Princeton, New Jersey with his latest  material for the Random House editor in chief, Albert Einstein, living around the corner.
Handing his latest to Herr Einstein, he write Just because we write our signature in your copy, doesn’t mean you’re obliged to read it.”
