I sign my name in your book

“Just because I sign my name in your book of relativity doesn’t mean you’re obliged to read it. “William Faulkner wrote in HerrDoctor  Einstein’s book, the two  men, living around the corner, in Princeton, New Jersey, post World War 2, the Vietnam LBJ –McNamara  struggle playing out  beyond our shores.
Adlai Stevenson on the campaign trail for the White House,speaking  across the street that nigh at Princeton University . “I’ m ready for my close up, Mister White House.”
Therefore hence thus began our collection of some 38 letters addressed to our father..  the Name Detective (FM radio, downtown Brooklyn) prior to World War 2 and 
Winston Churchill’s debut as Prime Minister across the pond at 10 Downing Street, London, his mother born in Brooklyn Heights a stone’s throw from the radio studio.
Hence therefore this  our cache of 38 letters and one document (the Public Television Act of 1967)begins our recapitulation, if not resurrection, of our “What’s in a name?” historical letters from the White House of President Harry S. Truman and hisCongressional confidants,  among  his Five Star Generals (Marshall, Eisenhower, and Omar Bradley (  his roles at the Veterans Administration, Bulova Watch, and the  WarDepartment.
Our family’s “longest day” constitutes publishing 38originalletters the old fashioned 20th Century way, into the origin of United State Senators, Congressmen, Big Apple civic leaders and a legal eagle who n to discarded his Wall Street civies forkhakis in France, heading up the CIA, World War2.
Therefore hence thus “What’s in a name?” established a postcyber space  Microsoft D Day, at President Truman’s library in Independence, Missouri.  
Inasmuch  as your character is your fate, FDR’s one timerunning mate, distinguished his S. in Harry S. Truman  on his surname’s origin, while sharing his sleepless nights (the nuclearattack on Hiroshima and Nakaski. General Curt Lemay…Colonel Doolittle in their own commanding pilots state of mind.
Remembering Churchill’s mother was born in Brooklyn Heights, a recapitulation of  the Fuhrer’dementia Adolph Hitler in that Berlin  bunker, 1945..,
Senator Saltonstall of Massachusetts, JFK’s predecessor,navigated his lineage to the Magna Carta of1215, the Royals signing in and henceforth serfs were no longer trapped by the Royals, the Magna Carta liberating them from slave labor forever.an aftermath of William the Conqueror, laying the foundation in 1066his revolution  sweeping the Continent..            
The proof of the prowess of General Marshall and his legendary role in selecting “Ike” to led the Normandy invasion an  head up the Marshall plan, rehabilitating Europe’s ravages….Ike becoming President of Columbia, the visibility prompting the forces to be, in his to run for the Truman White House,theaforementioned General Omar Bradley, his divine presencecontinuing on the planet at the V.A..
Between the letters of Senators  Estes Kefauver and Coffee  “coffee”  The coon cap, the Adlai Stevenson  counterpoint of the Democratic ticket, claimed his aunt living on  the  Big Apple’s Wes Side was the authority into the Kefauver heritage..
Meanwhile Senator Cofee stipulated his Gaelic Irish genealogical origins…..”Coffee tea or milk the theme of the stewardesses, the post world war moved into the “hurry up,we’ll be late” jet agewith a small degree of pot in the overhead compartment.
Perhaps the Name Detective’s “What’s in a name?” transcended Cecil B. DeMilles Biblical epics, ”I’m ready for my close up, Mister Name Detective”, yet the correspondence is what peopletake for granted, in piloting their living testaments through theCenturies. Their surnames!.
“I’m ready for my closup.”
Senator Gerry of Massachusetts wrote January 18, 1945 that his father pioneered the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, ”the first of its kin d in the world” , a foreshadowing of Justice Brandeis finding that Oregon violated child labor laws. Oregon v Muller.
His great grandfather was of the Continental Congress signers, the Bill of Rights with   Patrick Henry and George Mason.….Governor of Massachusetts. Vice president under Madison…his family came from England in the early 18th century.
On January 3, 1944   Joseph C. Grew, the Under Secretary of State wrote that the family derives from the bird aka crane, mentioned in “King Henry II” The connection being Frfench, derived from the Latin “grug                                                            
One of his forebears mentioned  ith EnEncylopedia Brittanicais Nehemiah Grew 1641-1712     …subsequently the role of vicar of St. Michgael’s cove ntry appears. An English botanist and    physiologist. And a Fellow of the Royal Society., having named a genus of trees in his honor.  
January 10, 1946 the Mayor of New York    Fiorello LaGuardiaJ“With kind personal regards,“ the little flower”  whether riding on a fire engine or reading the comics on  Sunday morning radio, the Little Flower was beyond the Big Apple. “Over the rainbow”, he became the WizardSunday nights (WJZ) on a national hookup.
August 2, , 1946. Bernard M. Baruch before he became known as Barney. “The name baruch  hs been in the family forcenturies.My middle name is Mannes after my  after a  man who helped my father through medical college. He gave him his uniform, when he entered the service  o the Confederacy.
February 9, l945  Setor Millard M. Tydings of Maryland…..the Library of Congress has given me the4 history of my name.”My absence from the city, was due to Mrs. Tydings’ illness.
March 19, 1946   U.S Senate, Kentucky.  Conference of the Majority. Alben W. Barkley, Dynamic chemistry with President Truman.. 35th Vice Preside  and this is what he had to say.”My North Carolina raised grandfather gave me his name Alben. Myast name Barkley was derived from Barcleigh.
An ancestor who came over from Normandy with William the Conqueror in 1066.    5 variations ensued Berchleigh, Berkley,Barclay, Berchley, Barkley and  other variations.
As to my given name, there is a connection with the LatinAlbus, Albion, Albin, ElbeAnd other appellations. I did not know my surname had the” meaning of whiteness or bright and shining color.”
Thank you for your letter and with all good wishes………(perfidious Albion”)
November 14, 1947 Congressman J. Parnell Thomas from NewJersey., Chairman on on un-Ameriican Activities (“the Hollywood Ten…Dalton Trumbo…..)  And this is what he said…”am sorry to say that I don’t know the origin  of my name. Feeney is my father’s name. And he came from Athlone,  Ireland.
December 18, 1944.  The Senator from Connecticut, Brian McMahon    “Christened   James O’Brien McMahon. The O’Brien part came from my mother’s father who was the auditorfor the old city of Brooklyn. Before it was consolidated. They lived for years in  the Red Hook section on Carroll
Street.. Later in school, I dropped “James” and “O”   for the sake of convenience..
January 18, 1945, Senator Harley Kilgore of West Virginiawrote  (Senator Harry S. Truman was also n the Committee  on Military Affairs)   The Kilgore is Scotch. From the GaelicCoeilgaur.   Anglized to Kil
gour and  later shortened  to the present spelling.   With kindest regards I am most sincerely yours……
December 9, 1945, from the U.S. Senate (the Committee on Commerce) Florida’s Claude Pepper had this to say.   “I don’t know much about the origin of my name. My mother’s  namecame from Ireland. Her name Talbot is English. I should be glad to have anything  that you might late  bring to my attention.”
March 1, 1946 Senator Warren G. Magnuson of Washingtonexcused himself as to a heavy work load, his persona secretary Jesse Robertson responded,  Committee on Commerce.
And here’s the rub in cybespacing….six time Presidential contender to occupy the  White House. Former Minnesota Governor Harold E. Stassen. His response from St. Paul August 10, 1946……
“My middle name is Edward.   To the best of my information, Stassen hails as Norwegian..  selected from  early names in the family.   The genisisf the surname relates to early Norwegian locations. The additional Senthe usual addition. Sincerely…..Harold Stassen
January 27, 1945….”I am intrigued by an Englishman beaingEllende as his surname. It means sorrow. Yet he can’t account for the missing “R”.The Ellenders hail fom Holland about the time when wars we were common..
If you come across anything more, I would appreciate it if you forward it on. My dictum is learning from you. Middlesex, England was the address of an Ellender who corresponded with me.  
The subject is pertinent. One which not only Americans but the whole world is interested.
With kindest regards…..
Cro Magnon man, Secretary of Interior, Harold L. Ickes December 5, 1944 Ickes root is German Anglo Saxon Scandinavian languages…Ik Icc Ecke…. Corner orangular.Teutonic languages like  North Germanic or AngloSaxon people..Page273.. Berli 1933.
February  15, 1946,  Henry A. Wallace, the Secretary of Commerce: South West Scotland was our origin…North of Ireland 17th Century. My forbears arrived here about the 17thcentury.
“From England, presuming of Danish origin..Sir Arthhur Agerdto Connecticut or Massachusetts?
 Herr Doctor Einstein, February 22, 1939    “Sehr geeherter Herr:
Public Television ct, 1967 testimony Senator Moss(Utah), Senate sub committee on CommerceSenator John Pastore,Rhode Island, presiding. N.Y Daily News  daily tee veeprogramming.
Number 6 MertrenstrasseDuseldorf, Germany. 3 story home of the Name Detective (1630 historical preservation)
“What’s in a name?” weekly programming, 1940, Brooklyn, N.Y
“Where do names come from?” February, 1940 Official Interpreter, Surrogates Court, Brooklyn, New York.
Names that make America  or Names America…Adler meaning Eagle
White Houe  CBS letter,  Eagle David, Chapel Street, New Haven, Connecticut, across from the Yale art museum.