
“Godzilla” transcends Boris Karloff’s “Frankenstein”, Vincent Price’s “The fly” Bela Lagusi’s “Dracula” Even the replica of the monster in  Tokyo, the  stature not unlike its San Diego marketing icon,, comes close to  our exploratory  digs at the LaBrea tar pits seven decades ago.
Just  because I sign my name min your book Herr Einstein,doesn’t mean you’re obliged to read it.”  scoredd William Faulkner.. in a  tongue in cheek relativity.
In our wildest dreams , how could the  saber tooth tiger, and Denny the Dinosaur, no less Alley Oop, his rambunctious feel on his powered club, his grip tightening as was his want, on waging war…doing battle in the ferocity of a hypnotic frenzy gone “viral” in our prehistoric cave man existence.
Which brings to mind, the very verve  hip up tempo composerAlexander Desplat .  If not for his scoring ”The King’s Speech”,a dynamic into the Buckingham Palace “dialectic”, the Paris based cosmopolitan assimilated the monarch’s stuttering,aligning it with musical measures and canon, until  the therapy  worked its  charm.. the bloc vanishing into the  King’sSpeech…. His unconscious                                                                                IV
“The Imitation Game” seems to be a much more malevolent curse on the human condition and the proponent genius breaking the Nazi machine; its coded anti British cues for destroying Prime Minister  Churchill’s resistance to Hitler’s conquest of “London Bridges falling down falling down” the witch doctor’s neurons pulverized: the protagonist’s decoding ,along with his  band of fellows..        
The stuttering verve   of the “King’s Speech” is a leg up on the “The Imitation Game”. The theme of the “The game” demonstrates the degradation  in the human condition, doesn’t it? Yet the very synthesis of the  demons and its musical motif, redeems the protagonist’s  physical and moral decay.
“A non stop fortissimo” in the parlance  of monsieur Desplat. Japanese guitars, electric violins, a constancy of the “Harry Potter” construction, its  calculus foreshadowing “The Budapest Hotel”. seething  Stefan Zweig’s commentary  in  Bella Bartok’s Hungary… folk songs   prevailing , the Dragon reduced to  measles and American theme parks.
Discovery of your inner hero” seven decades after “Frankenstein” outweighs the technological and
cyber space mutations” in our  society..U Tube’s millions and millions of hits in director Wes Anderson’s “Budapest Hotel”,casting Ralph Fiermes as a  witty Marx Brothers (Groucho’sMiriam Marx demanding  sacra religious obeisance from a  busboy, seven decades ago)
A snide swipe at upper crust European this time around,transcending stereotypes, juggling the Grand Hotel’s  menu.
A hundred and eighty degrees from Vicki Baum’s “Grand Hotel”ages ago. The musical soundtrack of  keyboard instruments, ancient organs, music boxes,  harpsichords and plucked strings a florescent transcendence to the Swiss yodel folk group.. 
Visual environment to follow emotional issues” is how some critics characterized the Budapest Hotel’s emoderrato’s 32 tracks. Deplat orchestrating Russian Folk Songs, flamingo guitars, church organs in the last will and testament circa a haunted house..a concordance with Elvis Presley’s “The Devil in Disguise”
The literary genre of Stefan Zweig, Roman clef  pallet of satire, adding to Wes Anderson’s and Alexander Desplat’s   nonstop fortissimo…….”Who ate the Hungarian Goulash? Who’s the “gonnif”?
 1days before the  “Oscars”. February 10, 2015 The City that never sleeps.                                                                              I