The disturbing death thrall it seems to this corner, is the pop (“popular”) culture targets its gullible audience, with such incredulous myths and fanfare that when the bubble bursts……..
Reference to Whitney Houston submerging her divinity in a Beverly Hi8lls bathtub 5 years or so, and her daughter committing the same barbarous act, several days ago in Atlanta, Georgia….
Reasonable minds may differ but this mother daughter “suicide” smacks of more than duplicity. Isn’t it one thing for the mother to be disturbed, failing to find herself in and among the veneer and idols she was willed to be; unlike the StrSpangled anthems of incredulous phoniness and deception.
“Catcher in the Rye” (our Marty Rye of Cicago’s South side andUCLA) demonstrates Holden (Bill Holden) Caufield (JoanCaufield) swerve those idols and lies that the self serving menaces perpetuate among humans trying to find their “star”, not aware of the sinking “Titanic”they’re floundering on.
Salinger depicted the cannibalism in his New Yorker stories. Holden and his younger sister Phoebe, (To Esme, with love”)stroding through the pathology and deceptions. Their dialogue sweeping up fallacy and con that emasculated their cradle to the grave existence…..
His was no allegory and therefore his dialogue with Phoebe seemed to score a greater relevance than Mark Twain’s(“making it”, the original Boys High alumni motto) between Huckleberry Finn and Big Jim, the runway slave, drifting down the Mississippi River…
February 6, 2015….. The City that never sleeps.