The metamorphosis of the killer instinct

The metamorphosis of the killer instinct, seemed to these brain neurons, to be playing out yesterday in the House of Representatives hearing, the Congressmen grilliung acontender for the Presidemncy of the United States of America, day and night,for the Ben  Gazi Libya  Embassy mureder of the Ambassador and his three comrades, the Libya dictator having been overthrown in the Revolution.
But the scemario clearly showed that Mrs. Clinton was up to her own splendor, taking on the barrage, with her Yale Law School (Dean Lou Pollock, President Kingman Brewwster) with her awesome recollection of that African scene and its tragic consequences in our Embassy.

To sit in that hot seat, with on;ly a drink of water and notes of many pagesas her accomplices, seemed a replay “On the Waterfront” and Marlon Brando’s own metamorphosis “I wuz once a contender”.
To attack the former Secretary of State’s chacter with such viiolic sarcasm was but a theme, her use of a personal server in her E mails., their killer instinct playing out. Their dismay that the Secretary of State
N her role in Washington, could notassecess the dangers the former Peace Corps volunteer and Ambassador and his four alter egos, were facing from the murderous Libya
killer instincts playing out..
Thus this was our own UCLA Political Science major, playing out on Chaepel Street (Stratford on the
Avon)  in the New Haven scene playing out.
Hilary, her husband, former President bush’s son o “weapos of mass destruction” (in reespopnse to 9/11),
Bush junior debating from his Park Street soap box.
 The Yale book store, the Drama school,the post office where we locked horns with Yalies Eric Sherman, our own student at Milliiken Junior High, Sherman Oaks, California a year ago.Eric, the son of the warner Brothrs director.

Serendipity playing out, our eyes and ears playing out the coincidences beyond coincidence.


But it was the Yale Law School Thursday night steak dinners, that Jerry Brown, a former Divinity major, present Governor of Californmia for the second time, sat with Lenny, the Vrdugo Hills High School graduate, from Mills college and a former winner o the “64000 quiz show. Leny on graduation become a Professor at Bolt LW School, his rea “Nukes” and a cabinet member of Brown’s cabinet.
Tragically, he later drowned in a swimming pool.
But in the meantime, the contender for the role of President of the United States of America, former United States Senator from New York and most recent Secretary of State, was holding her own in the all day and night grilling, the congressmen playing out their own killer instincts.
“Serendipity” playing out, you say.
October 23, 2015 The City that never sleeps.