The street cred confession

The street cred confession of a knot hole kid who told all theWorld Series baseball Met fans of his purgatory.
That the players, their sixty seven year old manager Terry Collins...their consummate swagger of long hair down to their pitching ace’s shoulders, their bearded chin  chins and their daring dashes around the bases, was  but a “thirty lashes with a wet noodle” to this observer.
Expelled to the Elba of his Coney Island yesterdays, for poisoning the Citi Field air , with his Kansas City Royal laudatory.
Was there a punishment for this heresy? A punishment to fit the crime as the cliché goes, in civilized circles?
Added to this sinful confession is the street cred of a Bronx born  baseball addict, with his own swagger, the actor Burt Lancaster of the South Bronx.. .
Here then is the story of his dream…… 10/31/15