Little did Doctor Sigmund Freud know in writing his “Civilization against the discontents” some 7 decades ago, that his hers (daughter Anna ,Yale Law School(Dean Lou Pollock)during ‘Nam invasion I n South east Asia) ..her father’s thesiswould raise eyebrows in circles like Woodland Hills California, Brooklyn New York, Brussels Belgium, Dusseldorf Germany, Rotterdam Holland,
When “Hitch” (director Alfred Hitchcock (“39 Steps”) got online with his Foreign Correspondent” (Joel McCrea) in Woodland Hills, Ca.
“Joe, you ready for your loop into the Prime Minister’s Rotterdam Square caper on Sunday?”
“Who can turn down an opportunity. A global opportunity on Universal Studio stages, ”responded the actor in his “Foreign Correspondent” role, his wife Francis Dee, indulging in her early morning libation…. apple strudel and latte.
“What’s the drift?” she thought, sipping the latte.
“Brussels slums and Dead End kid…, having nowhere else to go. Brainwashed in Syria and Iraq, yielding capers when they cross passport free borders, to claim their victims. A sweet revenge sweeping through Europe’s landscape….Paris, Brussels, Dusseldorf, Rotterdam….”
Brainwashed suicide (“ to Kingdom come”), bombers into Karachi, Pakistani, guilt free innocents… children in the amusement park and playground lot, for the ages. The “Discontents” whipping up their suicide crazies on Freud’s “Civilization” wherever they can conceive….metros, musical halls, passenger airport terminals…
Prime Minister public musings , Rotterdam’s Sunday protocol...the Swastika reinvented?
But at that moment…a divine intervention, a shattering of a thunderous rain storm , the pellets causing the crowd to dispersefor shelter…the Prime Minister gone, wisped away.
The next thing he knew… rope tied, a gag in his mouth. Left for a lost soul of an actor, pretending to be the Prime Minister, tied up behind the windmills thrust, the blades going in the wrong direction….
3/28/16 ‘Civilization against the discontents’ playing out.