”Our man in Havana” Spencer (“Spence” to his amigos) Tracy,starring in Ernest Hemingway’s “Old ma and the Sea” “Papa”catching the big one.
After some 88 years since Grover Cleveland visited the Island, some ninety miles off Florida, a literary contact with Fidel Castro, living in Hemingway’s sanctuary at the tip of the Island, was rebuked
by Fidel, saying “ Muchos gracias de nada, Senor. After all those 50 anos of revolutionary counter corruption/ Batista, the awesome gambling, the promiscuis hotels, we eradicated the oppositionion, and placed my brother and myself into power,” said the staid retired Fidel, once the New York Times Man of the Year, his sweeping tone and garb, changing the regime, itsstance of the kingpin pro moneyed gambling life style and human rights of r Papa” as Marlene Dietrich knew the “Old man and the Sea”
But for the liberating jazz culture from Joshua Edelman’s Spanish exportation, the Castro revolution was nevertheless a regime for the better. The dissident prisoners and the embargo “Key Largo” was mainly a reminder that a Democratic enduringquality of life was in futuro.
But for the liberating jazz culture from Joshua Edelman’s Spanish exportation, the Castro revolution was nevertheless a regime for the better. The dissident prisoners and the embargo “Key Largo” was mainly a reminder that a Democratic enduringquality of life was in futuro.
The imported Cuban cigars was still cash and carry$$ from South Western and Pico Boulevard in our UCLA rf of memorable yesterdays. Those baseball afficiandos fleeingHavana, for the big “fish” in America, like pitching for theYankees …the big leagues and the dinero, realizing their potential, establishing their heritage as existential professional players who grew up with the little league in their Cuban souls.
Hungry immigrants fiercely determined to transcend PapaHemingway’s “The Sun also Rises” tattooing their dreamy determination on these Spanish vernacular players…
”Jackie Robinsons with terrific hand and eye coordination”” (President Obama’s farewell address in Havana) breaking the color line…the grandson of a slave cropper..
The Hemingway Nobel Prize “Old ma and the Sea the Sun also rises” had metamorphosed into
emancipation for daring escapes into the Florida Keys and into Key Largo Democracy.
March 21, 2016 The City that never sleeps.