Irving Fine, Jack Benny’s brother in law

Irving Fine, Jack Benny’s brother in law, tries to sell off the old Maxell Hupmobile.
His Jasha Heifitz violin playing brother in law, drove in those pioneer radio yesterdays of Hollywood 
Boulevard  and Sid Grauman’s cemented sidewalk symbolized accessories to the heroes and heroines who made the City famous for its klieg lights on the  affirmation of Charlie Chaplin(The Tramp) and Garbo “I vant to be alone”  grease paint….
For a honcho from Brooklyn’s Brownsville, notwithstanding his brother in law’s celebrity as a radio cheapskate, always feuding with his valet ”Rochester played by Eddie Anderson.
Irving Fine, decided to sell the old Maxwell at the Smiling Irishman’s used car lot on Vermont Avenue (a Bernie Sanders stance), his own trumping race for the White Housethe cosmos is into Buck Rodgers Flash Gordon space ships, Jack had toconformassimilate with the electronic age. The Hupmobilehad to go. It’s a soft target during an election year. 
Bernie Hilary the Donald wouldn’t want to be seen in an old camouflaged Hupmobile. (it ain’t political!..Machiavilian!”)
So help me, God. On my mother’s honor!  New York values” said Irv, looking straight into the “Smiling Irishman’s dollar billeyes..
“It’s a Presidential year,” said the Smiling Irishman.:We’ll take your Hup.  Put it on the lot with top billing.  A vintage Jack Benn myth…. teeing off at Hillcrest with Archie Bunker.. On the make.
But Beaver wanted Jack Benny’s Hupmobile. He even went as far as placing his name on the CNN 25….”Jerry Mather” courting the Presidential year……New York’s primary down the road..April 19th.  The New York values up for grabs, atthe ballot box.
In the meantime Jerry Mather (Beaver)  extended his once Cub Scout Iowan credentials, to the Smiling Irishman, ignoringIrving Fine as a Jack Benny leading man brother in law.
Wasn’t h the “Beaver” Fred MacMurray’s son on “Leave it to Beaver”.. six year running, his real father Captain, principal of Granada Hills High, …into his own San Berdu “ active duty”, son Jerry aspirinfor Jack Benny’s  antique of a recycledHupmobile….Beaver aspiring to the highest level of Hollywood status resonating   those Iowan yesterdays, where he played out the role of a Cub Scout. 
April 7, 2016  The Smiling Irishman’s Used Car lot, the corner of South Vermont  and Pico, Los Angeles., the resounding echo….the Presidential NY primary in Brooklyn, April 19..