Requiem for Leo Wolf Lowenberger (1924-2003) Forest Park Chapel, Forest Hills, N.Y., June 13,2003
Cry the flood of tears until the ducts are empty: a larger than life human came into our ocean of
humanity 58 years ago postWW2.One legged (oh, we could scribble) paratrooper...
dropping behind Hitler’s lines in France, stretching the imagination, but Leo’s thrust was legendary.
Pouncing into those waves at Coney Island, playing tennis on a wooden leg, embracing life..
Surrounded by living legends. in Law, Dean Roscoe Pound, 92.. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, 85..94 year old Louis Nizer ... UCLA Professor, JAC Grant, 97…88 year old, Morris Ernst. ..Professor Charles Groves Haines , his wife, Constitutional Law, into their 80’s.. UCLA’s Royce Hall, Professor. Charles Titus….
100 plus Philip Levey,5 floors above Leo’s 13th floor office, the Big Apple.’s 291 Broadway….
Two legal eagles, Philip into the post 9/11/2001 ambush, his heartbeat, pulsating with or without the
pacemaker, Leo, the renaissance man, needing his, into the hunt..
Briggs Hunt, Leo’s coach, UCLA’s wrestling team, Men’s gym, second floor…”Leo, you’re being tested.
Pin him! He can’t discover your secret weapon.”
“It must be my ringy dingy pipes”
An orphan himself, he became a surrogate father role model hero, setting an example. ”Thinking Big”,
playing out the crossword puzzles..: giving of himself… ’Purple Hearts’ galore “Did you ever
see a blind man who didn’t smile?”
“Leo, forgive us for one more sob, you ’re precious.”
The longer you live, the more you lose the people you love
Part II, the city that never sleeps, March 5, 2014
Ucla’s reality scene revisited……