The combative joy of Beethoven’s “Ode to joy” of his 9th Symphony is again playing out

The combative joy of Beethoven’s “Ode to joyof his 9th Symphony is  again playing out .Not in Vienna, but in the city that never sleeps, Lincoln Center. the battle ground for 69 year old maestro James Levine’s return to the podium strata ..

A motorized wheel chair at his side,   will transcend his 2 year absence. 3 surgeries of  neurosurgeon Dr. Patrick O’Leary and his team at the Hospital fdor Spoecial Surgery....

A major surgery


Two years before the mast” the beloved Mehtas (Zubin and Z) successors will the grace of God and technology will groove the elevating transmission. In sync with the wheel chair, the many manifold rehearsals to  free the fearless flow of notes me11asures themes and motifs of the glorious music that never wavered not since J S. Bach played out his fanfares at wakes and funeral homes in Liepzig..

Stowowski’s arrangement of the Prelude in “Fantasia” at the Coney Island Avenue Leader movie theater in 1940, never faltered, “Stokie‘s” old age, beyond his 97 year life, arranging the Prelude in his Philadelphian metrics of be alive to hear those rarified earth shaking fusion of sounds from another galaxy.


Beethoven at 26, experienced his first symptoms of going deaf... No electronic cues to pick up the clouds of darkness that would overwhelm any composer. But a genius... ah that’s another question.

Beethoven grabbed fate by the throat, deleting Napoleon’s name from his Eroica, thwarting any recognition or vanity by the Emperor. No  patronizing, the growing deaf genuis transcending his immortality with a stroke of his pen.

You phony Emperor.  . To Elbaa, farethewell..


Yet his consciousness seemed to be on fire, the throbs of silence in his ear drums,driving his passion for ferocious energy beyond the Oracle of Delphi’s sound barrier.

The “Ode to Joy” is a  manifest to life’s ephemera and the of murderous bullies captured in the La Brea tar pits, the MINOTAUR morphing into survival of the fittest and original sin...


May maestro Levine likewise regain the majesty of his terrain, knowing his role at the podium is blessed. The  spinal stenosis, paralysis by his fall, a damaged dorsal spine into  the 4th vertebrae,  three spinal surgeries, the mild Parkinson’s aggravated by L dopa, has not dampened the audience’s embrace of his rehabilitating essence

Not unlike Beethoven’s own calling, two hundred and fifty years ago,

may they embrace his own “Ode to Joy” playing out...

The Philharmonic’s promised land, May 2013 ...inscribed 10/ 14, 2012