What goes around comes around

What goes around comes around” may be the  lyrical tome sweeping&resounding through out  the minor planet all we humans inhabit.




The common thread for its needling mode is the Lincoln Douglas debates of hundred and fifty years ago, the 16trh President taking it to the contender. A light touch and a scorching tongue were the faces of etching character that elevated his debating to the oval office and the ensuing Gettysburg address during the Civil War.




The forum for setting the relative tongue lashing may well be in the eyes of the beholder, depending on how the audience sees and hears the clashing arguments.


Clarence Darrow of Chicago’s Leopold Loeb notoriety, took his Spencer Tracy cosmic consciousness to a Tennessee classroom, the teacher Stokes, being maligned for espousing evolution in laying the foundation for the Darwin’s raison de etre in the breeding of a higher   intelligence, beyond natural selection in the photosynthesis of vegetation on the Galapagos Islands.


William Jennings Bryan nee Frederic March (“Inherit the Wind”) in advocating the Holy Bible and its Old Testament’s genesis as the truth. That Darwin’s evolution denigrates man  it his ascent toward “house money” and divine providence.




Finally within the limitations of the digital century, President Obama and Governor Romney, had ther own “go” at it in a town hall forum held in the Big Apple’s backyard. Eloquent gifted public orators and debaters, they fought out their positions, rallying their supporters like it was the fiery debates of the Lincoln Douglas debates a hundred and fifty years ago.


Probing and penetrating weaknesses and intangibles, their mobile experienced tongues “spritzed”    the truth of their party’s brethren, the moderator and the questioning participants defining their moment of being alive.


The excitement and the buzz thru the classrooms of international power and the campus flavor

of Hofstra’s Hempstead  campus.  TV cameras,  parking lots and the global internet links and dinky rink satellite connections.


 Revolution War’s”Battle of Long Island”  October 16, 2012