Why Plato banned the artists


The spiritual ambiguity of art... its connection with the limitless unconscious...its use of irony..its interest in evil worried Plato.

 But the very ambiguity and voracious ubiquitousness of art is its characteristic freedom.

Art ,especially literature is a grand hall of reflection where we can all meet and where everything under the sun can be examined and considered.

Iris Murdoch, Oxford University, May 21, 1991


 So the Lone Ranger conned you, huh Momma “said her son, now in University.

“Well, what do you expect. You got no education You and the name detective aka the language pro, should have stayed in Flatbush, not unlike like the Dodgers, distancing themselves in their Chavez Canyon spread.. Why didn’t you?”


Momma, a young sixtyish, brushed her left hand through her silvery red hair. She eyed her son, a former high school do gooder (delivering WW2 telegrams to Gold Starred Mothers , and now a student at the University.

I wanted to be a writer. A screen writer,” she said, brushing her right hand through her silvery red hair. “Taking night classes at Manual Arts, where Frank Capra used to go.”

“But momma” said the son, now in University.”Southern California is a T.S Eliot wasteland for scribblers.. Trapped in quicksand. You should have known better. Faulkner is in Mississippi. Poppa Hemingway in Cuba. Mailer in Brooklyn Heights. Sartre on the lefrt bank.

All you got out here is a big circus. A high wire act, that’s all.”


He turned his back on the Momma He was in University and his Momma should realize he had insights,  he didn’t have in High School “What good were all those courses if your own Momma didn’t come to me and ask for moral support and a sustaining point of view.

“My son. my son, now you tell me, “ said the Momma. “I wasted all that time taking those courses, trying to make contacts on the tennis court. Learning to hit a backhand down the line. A forehand cross court. I chased so many balls I thought I was reincarnated  as a ball boy.”


“I defaulted on tennis , the little you know, snot nose. Got the want ads. Read about a writer needing a junior writer.”

“Who was the writer, Momma?”.

The Lone Ranger. He had a conspicuous consumptive ranch off Coldwater Canyon in Beverly  Hills. A tycoon to the core..

Fore,” on the 18th green for the delivery of his fan mail... Seeing I wasn’t an outlaw into his masked man caper, he took me in his golf car tourt as he had done thousands of times, tinsel town’s caste system playing out..

“There’s Willie’s castle (William Randolph Hearst) Mary Pickford ‘s(Gladys Smith)a la  Flatbush Avenue’s Prospect Park..”  


“Then into his role as chauffeur, he parked the golf cart. “My library” ,the masked man waxing, his fingers dancing across his  passion. “I wrote ‘em all, sweetheart.”’.

Who was your publisher?” asked the Momma, thinking of Bennet Cerf’s Rtandom House. Leon Shimkin’s Simon&Schuster. Max Perkins Scribners..

“Published them myself. Using a nom de plume. Same as Daryl Zanuck on Waner Brother’s “G Men” with “Cag” (Jimmy Cagney)


Didja meet Tonto, Momma?” (Walt Disney rolling the dice, Johnmy Depp as the Lone Ranger’s kimosabi  of an alter ego, 10/3/12))

“No way.”

“Didja do any scribbling, surfing the net, Momma? Did the masked man ask for any credits? What have you done lately?. Harold Lloyd ? Laurel&Hardy? Mae West? W.C.Fields??”

“The masked man was a control freak, my son my son. He wanted a typist at a dollar an hour. Like your Momma was still living in the dark ages...East New York Brownsville the candy store syndrome of  ‘My lady” immigrants ,the exodus off the lower East Side, sweeping into the 4 Boroughs. Staten Island.

“He didn’t want to pay extra for dictation. An additional two bits, twenty five cents.,” said the Momma.


But he’s the Lone Ranger, Momma,” said the son, now in University.”He always gets his outlaw. A kimosabi of moral authority..”

The Momma placed her two hands on her son’s shoulders.

“You may have been a High School graduate and all that.

A University degree someday, my son, my son.” .

“But the masked man never went to  University, Momma.

 He stayed out so long, he matriculated on his steed’s stance..”

The Momma turned her head to he son. She ran her hands through

her silvery red hair.

Hi Ho Silver,” she murmured..

Hi Ho Silver.” responded her son now in University.

Why Plato banned the artists, October 4, 2012