Sammy Fain

On hearing Sammy Fain’s World War2 them “I’ll be seeing you”your foreign correspondent and his frau   vicariously reinvented our Fort Greene Brooklyn Tech High Schooyesterdays to “teaching space in our High Schools”
at Colorado Springs, Air Force Academy several decades ago, long before original sin’s breathtaking commission and planetary murder of a selfless hero. A Robin Hood, a mythical larger than life high school ice skating champion from Massachusetts who moved to train at the Colorado Springs Olympic facilities.  
The narrative may be nothing like Hitchcock’s 39 Steps plot and the missing finger  spy, living out “Mister Atomic ’s murder in England’s green turf  outside London’s PiccadillSquare where Mr. Atomic wamowed down as he went through his memorable recall of the b0omb’s “Oppenheimer” code.
Who knew the Academy would put us up for a week in President Carter’s vacated abode on the Camp grounds (a deer munching grass) while the Academy’s digs would be ready for our two weekin Colorado Springs.
Who among us mortals knew that the metamorphosis of our two 2 weeks “teaching Space” would  lend itself to our Planet’s stage..
The Black Friday shopping spree, 24 hours after Thanksgiving, would come to grips with a 56 year old loner of a gunman, terrorizing the town where we would be witness to this madness.
An American hero Garret  Sweeney, (a campus policeman)being gunned down, without rhyme and reason by a hood who lost his way, from the cradle to the grave.
The stellar cast involved the Russian Mir co pilot, the femme an d frau of the “in future” Secretary of Air Force, his own agenda, could hardly anticipate the 56 year old deranged loner. Attacking a Planned Parenthood site, the Chase Bank, the restaurant on the town’s Makin Street, the parking lot for the several stores,ridging the Planned Parenthood offices.
Thirty nine steps metamorphosing into the pop culture “Mister Atomic” being assassinated on a  Piccadilly Square West End stage, just beyond comprehension in  the Rockies of AmericanCivilization. 
A big order for a Rocky Mountain  town named Colorado Springs. The 56 year old loner of a stud finally surrenderingafter his 6 hour presence in the space, housing Planned Parenthood.
The only defendant of the public right to inhabit this  civic scene was a University of Colorado defender, A Massachusetts ice skating champion, who left the campus on hearing the gun fire, the lone wolf had wounded several officers and killed our hero,who in our estimation became a martyr.
In the meantime, the swat squad invaded the Planned Parenthood building and were ablto convince, persuade cajolethe 56 year old deranged loer to give up.
The Tin Pan Alley of Irving Berlin, George and Ira Gershwin,was never like this insane madcap. The “Ugly” had vanquished “Yankee Doodle le Do” and his Dream.
The hero and his ice skating dream, leaving the University of Colorado campus,  his antenna as a complete human being onthe beat,  hearing the shootings in and around the parking lot:Planned Parenthood, the Chase Bank, the market, restaurant where we hung out breakfasts of oatmeal, orange juice, toast and a glass of milk. 
The UGLY had vanquished  “Yankee Doodle Dandy” and his dream.
Daddy is not coming home( to his eleven year old son  an younger daughter)  Sammy Fain’s “Ill be seeing you in all the old familiar places.. (Fulton Jr. High, Van Nuys, CaBen Wetzel, principal, Norman Schacter, assistant principal, NFL referee, Ben’s niece a student teaching space)
November 28, 2015 The City that never sleeps.                                                                                            

Hiroshima man Amour

“Hiroshima man Amour” way back when, fantasying his Parisian escapades from the left bank, near the Odeon’sShakespeare and company.. Gertrude Stein and Ernest Hemingway...not Rue de Vaugirard’s The Grad Hotel of Franceand the sidewalk cafes, adjoining the hotel and the Metro..
But the Ocean Parkway of Brooklyn… the calculus of Morocco’s  Pepe lMoko.  (Jean Gabin) mesmerizing his pandering (telling them what they want to hear)  yesterdays on the right bank…. from his Casbah villa,  overlooking the Mediterranean and those screeching monkeys, from across thesea, in Gibraltar..
Notwithstanding his counterpart, Brigitte Bardot of Marseilles, retiring from the cinema as too brutal I am not the sex kitten, I pretend to be. Cinema is exploitative. Self destructive and demonizing. A Second Sex algorithm.. It is not,” she said,without a purr of hesitation, the likes of a Marseilles Marilyn Monroe.
Did Pepe le Moko know about the data base Kingdom to come?  
Those monkeys from Gibraltar…on the railing overlooking the Mediterranean and Pepe lMoko (Jean Gabin) at the Casbah,the monkeys darting from the railing to your foreigncorrespondent’s s shoulder.. unto a car’s fender and back to the railing. 
Meanwhile an Armageddois being hatched in the Casbah,Pepe lMoko, standing by in  the CNN situation room, hearing of a Abdu’s departed metamorphosis… his 27 year old Morocco riddled corpse in  a second Parisian plot.….”He is not m y boy friend,” the “cozs last words, attacker’s ammunition belt explodingthe chain of causation …the body parts into smithereens.
“Hiroshima man Amur” playing out the Armageddon on theGrand Avenue des Champs-Elysees, the Bourgeois unaware the t “Hiroshima man Amour” was but a foretaste… metamorphosis of the Syria Iraq desert Hitler’s yellow badges for the Jews in the early 1930’s.                                                                                                                                         
If not for President Harry Truman of Independence, Missouri….. To pull the trigger on these desert SheiksGestapo ,waging their own “Hiroshima Mon Amour” to Brussels, Paris ..threatening   the White House in going Black, The Big Apple of New York, blown off the Globe…..that this Moroccan born  Adolph Fuhrer, or his alter ego propagandist….Doctor Goebbels…..(“Judgmentat Nuremburg”)
The monsters of Mein Kampf resurfacing in the 21st Century…. Syria and  Iraq. The tribal Sunnis…
The Caliphate recouping their propaganda machine, with the film noir “Hiroshima man Amour” fails to allude to ReinholdNiebuhor Michael Jackson….     In its “Banality of Evil”
But if it wasnt for Norma Shearer from the MGM lot, eloping with her ski instructor … the role of  Louis IV’s mistress “Ifthey want bread, let them eat cake”, ye old stunt pilot of acorrespondent, a purported interview-screen test for Jody’s role in Marjorie Kinnan Rawling’s The Yearling”  
It was the height f the depression and no one wanted to be a Revolutionary in the deserts of Iraq and the Syrian dictator’sdeath grip  on the refugee populace.
Whether it was the lure of fame and the big screen in the hiccupsof Mickey Rooney and Judy Gum                                                                                                                 Garland, the insanity gripping  France, Belgium cells, these desert imported rebels metamorphosing into martyrs, the brain washing, leap frogcatapulting them into launching pacts with the Devil.
“The Charge of the Light Brigade” undermines the Calipof the tyranny of obedience to the Ayatollah’s  overthrow of 21 Century realities that have endured the passage of “Hiroshima maamour”, Reinhold Niebuhr, (theologian) Michael Jackson (thru the courtesy of Chris Cuomo at CNBN).
“Mein God!” did these conspirators have the where with alltooverthrow thestablished realities on our planet. To enslave the souls of the young piranhas…to become tools of thesdespotic
surrogates and father figure God forsaken unholy Priests of evil. Blood spilling over where ever the dreamers, the clean cut Adam and Eves  “you goto do rightists”   gather in soft  targets….the music hall, sidewalk cafes, soccer stadiums.  
November 22, 2015. The City that never sleeps

Dead End Kids

“Dead End Kids” invokes the spectrum of the master mind(s)  ofthe Paris atrocities , French and Belgian lost souls who found aGunga Din identity,  in their  pursuit of themselves, in Syriaand the desert in non Kurdish Iraq..
Carl Foreman of the Bowery Boys” metamorphosing into the killers of *129 Parisians, that night of November13, 2015 on the Right Bank, in the City of Light. 
These coordinated attacks thru the Paris Brussels Syria Iraq pipeline is a wakeup call for the WestThe metamorphosis of  this nightmarish suicidal quest to become an martyr, began  much earlier.   Not the Hoy Grail of 1215, the common man liberated from the chains of a Serf’s slavery.
No obiter dictum of these Dead End Kids departing their safe havens of Syria and Iraq of the have not        enclaves and into self destruction, in their all court blast, up the hierarchy. 
An ego trip, call it what you will. Turbans and beards. Cell phones, technology deleting their thinking messages, machine guns…
Billy Halop, Bobby Jordan, Gabriel Dell, Leo Gorcey, Bernard Punskey, Hunt Hall  but a progeny, foretasting the have notsfrom Western Europe, finding the Isis Syria Iraq enchantment for the cove r of their disenchantment with their brain neurons and the disillusion with their lives.
”Take no prisoners!”
What comes to mind is Sigmund Freud’s “Civilization and the Discontents” and “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoyevsky. These “Dead End Kids” umbilical cord, found themselves a home.
In their search through the underground, these searching young men are plagued by their own libidos, succumbing to what they fantasize is Mandrake the Magician.
Unable to perceive the trap(s), aligning with their heroes) them High Noon” desperado heroes who could pull them up m into the reality of themselves and their game changing mirror images. .
The pursuit of themselves eludes them as they clear the tranches, bayonets in hand .Kirk Douglas and Adolph Menjou The Paths of Glory. .
(*the 23 year old Long Beach (Cal) State coed, on a semesterfine arts grant.)
November 17, 2015   The City that never sleeps

What happened last night in our global village and Paris

What happened last night in our global village and  Paris,bespeaks Freud’s “Civilization and its discontents”, doesn’t it?
Seven simultaneous sites “hits in a breathtaking blitzkrieg. The surprise blitz is a simulated swashbuckling cry of cannibalism on the globe’s stage.
Humanity is being tested once and for all. “Again and again” as the leaders of the free world come to grips with tyranny , thescreaming hatred from the desert, the cult plotting their sneak attacks alike December7th, 9/11.
Catching the sleeping giant asleep. 
A Friday night in Paree. The soccer stadium, the music hall, the restaurant ts…the Metro? Eiffel Tower? The Left Bank of Sartre Camus The haunts of Pablo Picasso and the Spanish Civil War.A Long Beach State student 23, mowed down. (Lindbergh Jr. High, North Long Beach)
How can the once wholesomeness  respond to  wholesale murder?
By responding on an awesome wave length, snake charmers“The Charge of the Light Brigade”
A force of tough calloused desert warriors.. Tested in battle, cynical in their own personas... Gary Cooper, Cary Grant, Sir Aubrey Smith…
Winston Churchill “We must persevere….from our rooftops, the streets, we are engaged in a war. The enemy takes no prisoners. Their initiative striking at will. Blow after blow, ignoring any cease and desist order.
‘We call on all free men to rise up and resist this insanity,threatening to wipe all of us from the face of e our mortal coil. To usurp our very roots of libertee  egualite “fraternee
“The Charge of the Light Brigade” bespeaks for a RESPONSE to the insanity, sweeping the desert peninsula and  their singular ruthlessness, murdering victims of their own atrocities, destroying human beings who once were mirror images of their own  possibilities.
To sit b y and perpetuate these onslaughts may be comfortable, but the law of depreciation catches up to you and the enemy’s decadence, overwhelming one’s best instincts.
Remembering Sir Winston’s mother was born in Brooklyn Heights. 
”The Charge of the Light Brigade”
November 14, 2014 The City that never sleeps.

Hearing Whoopee Goldberg’s take o the “Hook up “generation

Hearing Whoopee Goldberg’s take o the  “Hook up “generation on college campuses. At the same time Whoopee’s round table of five ladies, gave her brilliant feedback to round out her Bay Region yesterdays, when she first broke the phony  posturing  of 20TH Century male chauvinistic culture, with a small ‘c’.
An extraordinary odyssey playing out,  her state of mind ,coupled with a grasp of the absurdity of our culture. Her sense of humor and image of her dreadlocks, gives her the feminine historical breakthrough of the color line.
Could this be a Jackie Robinson heroine, breaking the colorline?
Who else could ask the question on 21st Century Television“Who killed baby Hitler?” 
The round table of  quality human beings….a Greek court of daunting “ Electra ‘s…Growing up Becky Thatcher, Scarlet O’Hara, with their feminine guile, dancing the whole gamut of  on confessional admissions, into their cyber space social network New York Times profiles.
The repartee brings to the fore, that  Sinclair Lewis’s Burt Lancaster’s “Elmer Gantry” “Keeping up with  the Jones” is ancient history. ..”getting married”
That the American culture is but a MYTH. Stupidity of advocating the male, being the superior, is put to rest.
The tall brunette hair down to her shoulder, expresses her viewpoint on  “Baby Hitler”,” said this tall elegant groomed likeBarcelona born cover girl Jinx Falkenburg, (courted by Howard Hughes (Slim”in his golfing, air plane launching in Santa Monaca, behind Douglas  Aircraft factory).
(1939 ’40)
Whoopee controlled the flow, articulating her own supposition about Adolf Hitler growing up into a  demoniac “Elmer Gantry”, bs ing the masses, into believing baby Hitler in his staged “Invasion from the Men from Mars” corrupting the mass’s insecurity, wasting 6 million Jewish souls from the face of the 20th Century, into Eternity. 
am Jewish “ said our Jinx Falkenburg of the privileged class…the Tex and Jinx daily radio show,
She spelled out her family generations. Mother, grandmother, siblingsinto
 her ancestry. The other spirited 21st Century women.. Joy Behar’s “Im Italian.
My father drove a Cocoa Cola truck. Without a Union, he couldn’t feed his family. Put bread on the table….” the homo sapiens  motif, coming through the vibes.
That those yesterdays of male prerogative was but a splinter of purgatory. That these Trojan women as characterized by Euripides, were  “Dancing with the Stars” 
Cleopatra s inc disguise. Pity “Baby Hitler’s and his Jewish grandmother.  Afraid of his shadow, in secure and inadequate inhis bullying role ,not daring the fates …an encounter with Whoopee Goldberg, on a San Francisco cable car, climbing the City’s hilly streets.( Original Joe’s on Market Street, Treasure Island in the Bay, Alcatraz Island ,the Golden Gate Bridge, San Rafael in the distance.
November 10, 2015 The City that never sleeps.

Ted Turner classics

 Ted Turner classics reveals the quality human being he is. Not a Lew Ayres Dr. Kildaire nor a Lionel Barrymore Dr. Gillespie.Nor a Nat Pendelton into his role as an emergency console or interne, playing out an avid listener to the challenges facing them in  their emergency  think tank, the same day Walt Disney ad Leopold (“Stowkie”) Fantasiaplayed out 75 years agotoday.…..
“Fantasia indeed!
Ted Turner himself is a medicine man, infusing his Atlanta Brave franchise with quality heroic dreamers over the yearsbringing the team the Ned  Yost leadership (bullpen and third base coach) to the half a million Kansa City parade worshipers of their World Series Gas House Gang aggressiveness on the bases..                                                                                            
Bobby Cox’s 51 years in baseball, starting at 17, when a scout gave him the direction his life would take for the next five decades plus one. That quality human being the scout saw says Simple Simon. The humility and unselfishness metamorphosisinto the Kansas City Royalgrandmaster Manager who Bobby Cox hired, his quiet thinking into that chewing gum demeanor  was magnified in  his leadership. Their saliva coming to life, in the later 7, 8, 9th innings.
The Royals coming alive when they got on base..threatening to steal… attacking… stealing second, getting to the hot corner. Coming home on  a sac fly, tying the game.
Breaking open the game in the 15th inning.  Game one  settingthe pulse ….                                                                                 
Fifty one years, his heir apparent at Kansas City, following the father figure, the pilot’s dream resting with the heir apparent metamorphosing with “I appreciate  the support the coaches gave the players and myself over 21 years with the Braves ”.
The Bobby Cox dream resurrected by Ned Yost in Kansas City ,its recognition by the half a million City fans   in their tribute to their heroes and themselves.
The Atlanta Braves dream playing out in Kansas City, Missouri.
The Net Yost  Brave coaching career, Booby Cox’smainstreaming….
his leadership bubbling over, his players fulfilling the 51 metamorphosis of that 17 year old kidthe scout recognized  In himself… Bobby Cox Ned Yost’s own dreams..
November 4,2015.  The City that never sleeps.