“Dead End Kids” invokes the spectrum of the master mind(s) ofthe Paris atrocities , French and Belgian lost souls who found a“Gunga Din” identity, in their pursuit of themselves, in Syriaand the desert in non Kurdish Iraq..
Carl Foreman of the “Bowery Boys” metamorphosing into the killers of *129 Parisians, that night of November13, 2015 on the Right Bank, in the City of Light.
These coordinated attacks thru the Paris Brussels Syria Iraq pipeline is a wakeup call for the West. The metamorphosis of this nightmarish suicidal quest to become an martyr, began much earlier. Not the Hoy Grail of 1215, the common man liberated from the chains of a Serf’s slavery.
No obiter dictum of these “Dead End Kids” departing their safe havens of Syria and Iraq of the have not enclaves and into self destruction, in their all court blast, up the hierarchy.
An ego trip, call it what you will. Turbans and beards. Cell phones, technology deleting their thinking messages, machine guns…
Billy Halop, Bobby Jordan, Gabriel Dell, Leo Gorcey, Bernard Punskey, Hunt Hall but a progeny, foretasting the have notsfrom Western Europe, finding the Isis Syria Iraq enchantment for the cove r of their disenchantment with their brain neurons and the disillusion with their lives.
”Take no prisoners!”
What comes to mind is Sigmund Freud’s “Civilization and the Discontents” and “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoyevsky. These “Dead End Kids” umbilical cord, found themselves a home.
In their search through the underground, these searching young men are plagued by their own libidos, succumbing to what they fantasize is Mandrake the Magician.
Unable to perceive the trap(s), aligning with their heroes) them “High Noon” desperado heroes who could pull them up m into the reality of themselves and their game changing mirror images. .
The pursuit of themselves eludes them as they clear the tranches, bayonets in hand .Kirk Douglas and Adolph Menjou “The Paths of Glory.” .
(*the 23 year old Long Beach (Cal) State coed, on a semesterfine arts grant.)
November 17, 2015 The City that never sleeps