Hearing Whoopee Goldberg’s take o the “Hook up “generation

Hearing Whoopee Goldberg’s take o the  “Hook up “generation on college campuses. At the same time Whoopee’s round table of five ladies, gave her brilliant feedback to round out her Bay Region yesterdays, when she first broke the phony  posturing  of 20TH Century male chauvinistic culture, with a small ‘c’.
An extraordinary odyssey playing out,  her state of mind ,coupled with a grasp of the absurdity of our culture. Her sense of humor and image of her dreadlocks, gives her the feminine historical breakthrough of the color line.
Could this be a Jackie Robinson heroine, breaking the colorline?
Who else could ask the question on 21st Century Television“Who killed baby Hitler?” 
The round table of  quality human beings….a Greek court of daunting “ Electra ‘s…Growing up Becky Thatcher, Scarlet O’Hara, with their feminine guile, dancing the whole gamut of  on confessional admissions, into their cyber space social network New York Times profiles.
The repartee brings to the fore, that  Sinclair Lewis’s Burt Lancaster’s “Elmer Gantry” “Keeping up with  the Jones” is ancient history. ..”getting married”
That the American culture is but a MYTH. Stupidity of advocating the male, being the superior, is put to rest.
The tall brunette hair down to her shoulder, expresses her viewpoint on  “Baby Hitler”,” said this tall elegant groomed likeBarcelona born cover girl Jinx Falkenburg, (courted by Howard Hughes (Slim”in his golfing, air plane launching in Santa Monaca, behind Douglas  Aircraft factory).
(1939 ’40)
Whoopee controlled the flow, articulating her own supposition about Adolf Hitler growing up into a  demoniac “Elmer Gantry”, bs ing the masses, into believing baby Hitler in his staged “Invasion from the Men from Mars” corrupting the mass’s insecurity, wasting 6 million Jewish souls from the face of the 20th Century, into Eternity. 
am Jewish “ said our Jinx Falkenburg of the privileged class…the Tex and Jinx daily radio show,
She spelled out her family generations. Mother, grandmother, siblingsinto
 her ancestry. The other spirited 21st Century women.. Joy Behar’s “Im Italian.
My father drove a Cocoa Cola truck. Without a Union, he couldn’t feed his family. Put bread on the table….” the homo sapiens  motif, coming through the vibes.
That those yesterdays of male prerogative was but a splinter of purgatory. That these Trojan women as characterized by Euripides, were  “Dancing with the Stars” 
Cleopatra s inc disguise. Pity “Baby Hitler’s and his Jewish grandmother.  Afraid of his shadow, in secure and inadequate inhis bullying role ,not daring the fates …an encounter with Whoopee Goldberg, on a San Francisco cable car, climbing the City’s hilly streets.( Original Joe’s on Market Street, Treasure Island in the Bay, Alcatraz Island ,the Golden Gate Bridge, San Rafael in the distance.
November 10, 2015 The City that never sleeps.