What happened last night in our global village and Paris,bespeaks Freud’s “Civilization and its discontents”, doesn’t it?
Seven simultaneous sites “hits” in a breathtaking blitzkrieg. The surprise blitz is a simulated swashbuckling cry of cannibalism on the globe’s stage.
Humanity is being tested once and for all. “Again and again” as the leaders of the free world come to grips with tyranny , thescreaming hatred from the desert, the cult plotting their sneak attacks alike December7th, 9/11.
Catching the sleeping giant asleep.
A Friday night in Paree. The soccer stadium, the music hall, the restaurant ts…the Metro? Eiffel Tower? The Left Bank of Sartre Camus The haunts of Pablo Picasso and the Spanish Civil War.A Long Beach State student 23, mowed down. (Lindbergh Jr. High, North Long Beach)
How can the once wholesomeness respond to wholesale murder?
By responding on an awesome wave length, snake charmers…“The Charge of the Light Brigade”
A force of tough calloused desert warriors.. Tested in battle, cynical in their own personas... Gary Cooper, Cary Grant, Sir Aubrey Smith…
Winston Churchill “We must persevere….from our rooftops, the streets, we are engaged in a war. The enemy takes no prisoners. Their initiative striking at will. Blow after blow, ignoring any cease and desist order.
‘We call on all free men to rise up and resist this insanity,threatening to wipe all of us from the face of e our mortal coil. To usurp our very roots of “libertee “ egualite” “fraternee”
“The Charge of the Light Brigade” bespeaks for a RESPONSE to the insanity, sweeping the desert peninsula and their singular ruthlessness, murdering victims of their own atrocities, destroying human beings who once were mirror images of their own possibilities.
To sit b y and perpetuate these onslaughts may be comfortable, but the law of depreciation catches up to you and the enemy’s decadence, overwhelming one’s best instincts.
Remembering Sir Winston’s mother was born in Brooklyn Heights.
”The Charge of the Light Brigade”
November 14, 2014 The City that never sleeps.