Although Max Arno, the larger than life talent coordinator of Harry Cohn’s Columbia Pictures

Although Max Arno, the larger than life talent coordinator of Harry Cohn’s Columbia Pictures, two blocks off the Sunset Strip,  the War to end all wars had ended, he flipped  the silver coated disc in the air like was pretending to be a UCLA quarterback a k Bob Waterfield, the better half of Slims(Howard Hughes) Jane  Russell, the  glamour girl of Van Nuys High School in the Valley(Robert Redford ,our student)
The Cream Cheese bandit and his Name Detective father of the Surrogate’s Court in  t5he downtown Court and Montagu Streets in Brooklyn, had recorded his bequest for  job at the3 studio, listing his accomplishments playing tennis with the director of Lost Horizon” at the Beverly Hills tennis club.
“Bandit would you want to play baseball with us scrubs. Bill Gargan ( once of Park Slope, Brooklyn College librariansharing  the same Gargan) Budge Patty, Arthur Marx, Groucho’sson. Sidney Chaplin, Archie Leach (Cary Grant),   Milo Frank the agent, behind “The diary of Ann Frank”, bridge playing   Nat Perrin, Donald Woods, Horace McCoy, Alan Curtis, **Ray Stark, Ernest Pascal (the president), Billy Wilder, Humphrey Bogard (Bogy) Cy Howard, Jack Cushingham (tennis pro)Harold Preacher, ‘King of the bon bons
Greg BautzerJerry Geisler, (Errol Flynn, Charlie Chaplin notoriety), John Levee, Sidney and Harold Buchman, “The impossible dream” Dale Wasserman, John Garfield (Julie Garfinkle) Michael Blankford  (The Juggler), Arthur Drumett, Don Castle, Robert Blumoffe, Phi Gersh, Irwin Shaw (Young Lions)  Glbert Roland (“Amigo”), George WillnerRay Miland(The Lost Weekend),Milton Holmes  (Mr. Lucky) Harold Hecht,Albert Marx, Sonny Fotre, Herby Flam, Burt Lancaster (From here to Eternity), Kirk Douglas (The Champion), Solly Biano,Bill Orr, Ronnie LubinWillieWyler (Best years of our lives, Mrs.  Miniver, Ben Hur)…. Sam Briskin, Jeff Chandler, Sidney and Harold Buckman, Robert Rossen (All the King’s Men) Robert Penn Warren) Elliot Nugent  (James Thurber, “The male Animal)”), Sam Spigal (Lawrence of Arabia, Bridge of River Kwai, Doctor Zivago, Fanny and Alexandria))Nat Pendleton, $11 million David Geffen, the William Morris agency officeBoy! Zero Mostel (Springtime for Hitler), Arthur Gilbert, Gig Young, Mel Brooks, Sidney Harmon, Nick Conte, Peter Lorre, Paul Lukas, Allan Joslyn,  Kent Taylor.. 
Boy of the Name Detectives “What’s in a name?”  
Shelly Winters, Evelyn Keyes, Sidney Skolsky’s “The Good Life from the N.Y. Post                                                                    
Of the those OlivideHaviland born yesterdays  ,  Evelyn Keyes stopped the Cream Cheese Bandit  outside the men’s locker room. “What do you do for a living, Bandit?”  
I’m into finance,” he responded, lying up to his teeth, knowing Max Arno was tossing his silver coated Coney Island photo and words disc to talent at Columbia Studio, Max Arno, tossing the disc like a Filipino yoyo. “We got an opening in the mail room,.You available?” he asked the WW2 Chief Specialist (A),Treasure Island, under the Golden Gate’s span, the cable cars up from Market Street’s ‘Original Joe’s….
**Raymond Chandler once wrote” to be very poor and very beautiful is most probably a moral failure than an articulate success. Shakespeare would have done well in any generation because he would have refused to die in a corner; he would have taken the false goods and made them over….
He would have hated refinement as such, because it is always a withdrawal, ad he was much too tough 
to shrink from anything.
It’s been only the second time, your writer has been able to capture your effective and radiant spirit.
Therefore may I close, in wishing you the best of all possible act twos
November 28, 2016 The City that never sleeps

Between the two Henry’s

Between the two Henry’s… the actor and star of “Grapes of Wrath”, the stirring dust bowl odysseys this Oaky” family, in their quest to discover a life style and sanctuary as they ride their Model A Ford…a clunker of six cylinders toward the Father Serra  non narcissistic Spanish retreats  and monasteries in
in the interior or coast of California, pop culture and commercialism down the road of wars and depression, before our Democracy got a handle on optimism, these immigrants in their quest...
Crossing Death Valley, Colorado’s Grand Canyon, the great dam, the Petrified Forest, the Alberquerke New Mexico Indian selling their tri colored blankets, outside the train station.
The other Henry is the former Henry Kissinger of Germany and the Bronx tenements, who migrated into the hierarchy of academia. Harvard University, teaching as his quest realized itself with a part time role the President JFK ad full time with Tricky Dick Nixon as Secretary of State in the UCLA Halderman Erlichman “honest man” White House.

“Please come back Henry, when you’re ninety four,” said the Sunday CNN host, Wolf Blitzer:                                                                                                        
November 23, 2016. “Giving Thaks”, The flying philosopher’s two Henrys. 

Little did the Fuhrer knowing as he lay dying in his Berlin bunker

                                                                    PART 2
Little did the Fuhrer knowing as he lay dying in his Berlin bunker, within an arms length distance from his mistress Eva Braun, the RAF-USAF bombs off their LAKENHEATH RAF-USAF base, outside Cambridge anDuxford’s Battle of BrainSpitfire field, that Adolf, her Dolfy” had pessimistic “God is dead” Nietzsche on their bunker short wave , his stream of pessimism lauding their never to be forgotten mission…creating the third Reich, the Aryan race above all…”God is dead”                                                 I
”Mein Kampf ‘s nemesis was Prime Minister Winston,,  of 10 Downing Street, his office of Prime Minister, was a larger than life human named Winston Churchill.
That Sir Winston’s mother was born in Brooklyn Heights, as well as her sister ,later known  as Lady Macmillan, her husband, the publisher of Sir Winston, the Prime Minister, who rose to becoming    to becoming the nemesis for the Fuhrer and his Third Reich thrust into Europe, Africa, until he confronted those Russian winters and Uncle Joe Stalin and FDR’s Yalta hi jinks.
So there you have it. The Brooklyn flavor of identifying with the underdog , a Bedford Avenue miracle drift hanging over the knothole kids 55 cent heroes taking on all enemies in the confines of Ebbets Field.
If the Fuhrer could recognize the “Over the Rainbow” from the Wizard of Oz, would he could he modify his treadmill suicide pact in that Berlin bunker, his Nietzsche strung life weaved into a suicide pact with his mistressEva Braun, the Brooklyn born heritage of Churchill’s mother and aunt’s origin, out of Brooklyn Heights, their souls, coming back to haunt him and his Eva in their grasping moments, the tone of their Berlin Bunker, not conscious what was playing out from 10 Downing Street, London, England..
November 17, 2016  The City that never sleeps.

Living out their final moments in his Berlin bunker

Living out their final moments in his Berlin bunker, the Fuhrer (known too his amigos) Adolf Hitler). But to his mistress Eva Braun as “Dolfy. But with or without his mustachio, the Fuhrer,  not unlike Beethoven before him  (the ode to joy, the 9thSymphony), stuffed cotton in his ear drums, Napoleon cannonsbombarding his brother’s cellar where he fled to escape the blasts reechoing in his growing deafness.
But the Fuhrer’s mistress would have none of this. “Dolfydarling,” her antenna into the planet’s electronic age, her Deutsch electrons into dialing the Apollo theater’s Charley Parker’s Kansas City saxophone. Bebop’s  horn’s sound into Harlem and 125th Street, the flowered “My dahling,” said the (“in the Fuhrer’s face”) crushed in his waning moments that all he and Eva lived for was literally going down the drain. A self destructiveness they shared since those Munich highlights  singing and drinking beer  in those  halls……
Hitler’s father figure Chancellor Hindenburg  going down the drain….
His raison de etre finito . Who would remember 6 million Jews gasping their last breaths in concentration camps.! Theirworld…. our planet will no longer remember ,Eva.”
“The diary of Ann Frank” Verbotton!, Adolf’s arms reaching to his mistress’s head, his lips pressed against hers, Winston Churchill’s fleet from Duxford and the RAF-American  flying fortresses from 
Lakenheath RAF-USAF base, across the Channel….
November 16, 2016  The city that never sleeps..Part 1.

The annals of our Democracy may have been led by George Washington, Jefferson...

The annals of our Democracy may have been led by George Washington, Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere , John Hancock,  a Colin Kelly to be later, these pioneers hoisted our Democracy, but Chaim Solomon financed the . Put up the dough ray me.   
The inalienable rights of man’s UTOPIA!

The Edinboro Scotland double-decker bus passing Robert Louis Stevenson’s digs, the same flats where James Bond (007wasborn years later, long after Spencer Tracy and Frederic Marchmade their MGM symbiosis at the  studio in Culver City, California. Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde playing out…..
The Cream Cheese bandit from his fifth floor elevator digs across town The Maylord  Apartments into his post WW 2 service was bound o his 30 years with the Los Angeles Recreation and parks, coming within 30 days of his pension, when the shell  shock of accumulating all those yesterdays toward his pension, when at the last momentinute, the attrition got to his cardiac  syndrome, the veins crashing, his burial at Forest Lawn cemetery in the Hollywood Hills..

But the reminiscing of those yesterdays ends with the explosive election of another Queens born native  of the  Big Apple President elect Donald Trump. His persona into naming his support players into fulfilling the role created by the Founding Fathers some two hundred years ago.
The dawn of  our Democracy, the 13 colonies, and the election of George Washington as our first President.
A miracle being born…The Constitution, the Bill of Rights. A tribute to the birth of a nation and a process aligned with humanityinimitable rights of man..I
Meanwhile actor Ronald Reagan, the 41Prresident to become, was cast as the Notre Dame quarterback  “the Gipper” in the Warner Brothers Pat O’Brien scenario.
Walking across the Burbank lot, carrying a larger than life photo of the “Gipper”, the former sports director for Wrigley’s Chicago Cubs,  spring training at Santa Catalina Island, little knowing he was  treading space as Governor of California and President of the United States.
“Win one for the Gipper” was the locker room chant, as his teammates mourned his passing during the football campaign at Notre Dame.
Which brings to mind, the President Elect Donald R. Trump’s father’s apartments near Coney Island on 20th Avenue, Fred Trump leasing them with or Uncle Joe’s Sterling Advertising .
David Selznick, later the producer Scarlet O’Hara’s role in “Gone with the Wind”…the Vivian Leigh of whom the President to be Donald J. Trump  “Vivian Leigh” utterance, during the Republican 2016 primaries..
What Ho! “Vivian Leigh”    Phoning her back stage at New Haven’s Schubert during the General Westmoreland invasion of South Vietnam, our argument in the United State Senate “Publication of the Government Television Act of 19676,pages91…..

*Clark Gable’s utterance  “Gone with the Wind” 

November 14, 2016 The City that never sleeps.

The Senate page boy stood straight up

The Senate page boy stood straight up, his spine corresponding to his to his reincarnated role, author
Dale Carnegie’s : How to win friends and influence people” to President Elect Donald Trump’ transition policy makers into the Republican tenured  role players into the cadre of highly visible actors into the “revolution” arriving… “Tale of 2 Cities” by Charles Dickens..
Sharing their print and powder pulpit, their skins into their new surroundings.
“”Your autographed Governor Palin,”sai8d the page boy, offering Dale Carnegie’s “How to win friends and influence people” to the former Alaskan Governor. Sarah Palinwith the compliments of President Obama and his wife, the former first lady Michelle.”
Among these people peoples profiles, of the new high ranking profiles from Trump Towersthe Alaskan Governor. Her sound and fury “All quiet on the Western Front” of those Alaskan icebergs and tundra, her free flowing , teeth showing, a wisp of hair shading her eyes like Veonica Lake of stage and screen,  he feminine politico into her re birth right, grasped “How to win friends and influence people”, identifying with Carnegie.
”A no brainer,”, said the page boy, his youthful gaze out into the hall, awaiting the arrival over the next 50 days of the Trump Towers team, coming aboard.. these 2017 government pioneersand trail  blazers into known and unknown turf, not unlike the Archie Leach’s “Cary Grant’s Hollywood race track role…... President!.
Bring your own charts and clocks with this new breed of flesh.
“How to win friends and influence people”

November 12, 2016 The City that never sleeps.

The 24 hour post 2016 Presidential election

The 24 hour post 2016 Presidential election in our lifetime deserves the King Henry – Becket persona metaphor, remembering the shellshock. A political revolution in those upstart Colonies that began during our Revolutionary war, th“winter of our discontent”, dumping the tea  cargo in Boston harbor. 
The monarch and his old friend Becket, once despondent in his meandering youth, appointed by Henry in his persona as Archbishop of Canterbury.
“Becket may we have a word with you? A good word,” asked the King, in his role of Becket’s monarch, the older human in his persona , begging a political favor from his friend. 
Not that Becket in his persona, could anticipate that the King, his pal Henry, would ask a political favor of him, in his hyped up persona..
“Becket what’s the good word?” asked Hen ry, his right hand smoothing out his  royal robes. “Do me a favor@”
Yes my lord. What ca I do you in for?”
Use your office, Becket. Your persona. Dissolve m y marriage to Anne. I’ve fallen in love with a new fancy.  A newcomer Becket. I beg of you, my old friend, Henry rubbing his robe’s sleeves.
“I beg of you, Becket. We’re old friends ,”said the King,repeating himself, his  persona o longer realisticculminatingthe threat of the guillotine and the persona Archbishop’s“sacred” nonce.
November 9, 2016.The city that never sleeps. Queens bornDonald Trump .The City that never sleeps. Triumphs over Yale Law School’s Hillary Clinton for the Presidency of theRepublic…….