The 24 hour post 2016 Presidential election

The 24 hour post 2016 Presidential election in our lifetime deserves the King Henry – Becket persona metaphor, remembering the shellshock. A political revolution in those upstart Colonies that began during our Revolutionary war, th“winter of our discontent”, dumping the tea  cargo in Boston harbor. 
The monarch and his old friend Becket, once despondent in his meandering youth, appointed by Henry in his persona as Archbishop of Canterbury.
“Becket may we have a word with you? A good word,” asked the King, in his role of Becket’s monarch, the older human in his persona , begging a political favor from his friend. 
Not that Becket in his persona, could anticipate that the King, his pal Henry, would ask a political favor of him, in his hyped up persona..
“Becket what’s the good word?” asked Hen ry, his right hand smoothing out his  royal robes. “Do me a favor@”
Yes my lord. What ca I do you in for?”
Use your office, Becket. Your persona. Dissolve m y marriage to Anne. I’ve fallen in love with a new fancy.  A newcomer Becket. I beg of you, my old friend, Henry rubbing his robe’s sleeves.
“I beg of you, Becket. We’re old friends ,”said the King,repeating himself, his  persona o longer realisticculminatingthe threat of the guillotine and the persona Archbishop’s“sacred” nonce.
November 9, 2016.The city that never sleeps. Queens bornDonald Trump .The City that never sleeps. Triumphs over Yale Law School’s Hillary Clinton for the Presidency of theRepublic…….