The Senate page boy stood straight up, his spine corresponding to his to his reincarnated role, author
Dale Carnegie’s : How to win friends and influence people” to President Elect Donald Trump’ transition policy makers into the Republican tenured role players into the cadre of highly visible actors into the “revolution” arriving… “Tale of 2 Cities” by Charles Dickens..
Sharing their print and powder pulpit, their skins into their new surroundings.
“”Your autographed Governor Palin,”sai8d the page boy, offering Dale Carnegie’s “How to win friends and influence people” to the former Alaskan Governor. Sarah Palin, with the compliments of President Obama and his wife, the former first lady Michelle.”
Among these people peoples profiles, of the new high ranking profiles from Trump Towers: the Alaskan Governor. Her sound and fury “All quiet on the Western Front” of those Alaskan icebergs and tundra, her free flowing , teeth showing, a wisp of hair shading her eyes like Veonica Lake of stage and screen, he feminine politico into her re birth right, grasped “How to win friends and influence people”, identifying with Carnegie.
”A no brainer,”, said the page boy, his youthful gaze out into the hall, awaiting the arrival over the next 50 days of the Trump Towers team, coming aboard.. these 2017 government pioneersand trail blazers into known and unknown turf, not unlike the Archie Leach’s “Cary Grant’s Hollywood race track role…... President!.
Bring your own charts and clocks with this new breed of flesh.
“How to win friends and influence people”
November 12, 2016 The City that never sleeps.