Living out their final moments in his Berlin bunker

Living out their final moments in his Berlin bunker, the Fuhrer (known too his amigos) Adolf Hitler). But to his mistress Eva Braun as “Dolfy. But with or without his mustachio, the Fuhrer,  not unlike Beethoven before him  (the ode to joy, the 9thSymphony), stuffed cotton in his ear drums, Napoleon cannonsbombarding his brother’s cellar where he fled to escape the blasts reechoing in his growing deafness.
But the Fuhrer’s mistress would have none of this. “Dolfydarling,” her antenna into the planet’s electronic age, her Deutsch electrons into dialing the Apollo theater’s Charley Parker’s Kansas City saxophone. Bebop’s  horn’s sound into Harlem and 125th Street, the flowered “My dahling,” said the (“in the Fuhrer’s face”) crushed in his waning moments that all he and Eva lived for was literally going down the drain. A self destructiveness they shared since those Munich highlights  singing and drinking beer  in those  halls……
Hitler’s father figure Chancellor Hindenburg  going down the drain….
His raison de etre finito . Who would remember 6 million Jews gasping their last breaths in concentration camps.! Theirworld…. our planet will no longer remember ,Eva.”
“The diary of Ann Frank” Verbotton!, Adolf’s arms reaching to his mistress’s head, his lips pressed against hers, Winston Churchill’s fleet from Duxford and the RAF-American  flying fortresses from 
Lakenheath RAF-USAF base, across the Channel….
November 16, 2016  The city that never sleeps..Part 1.