Between Clint Eastwood, the former Mayo of Carmjel

Between Clint Eastwood, the former Mayo of Carmjel, California, and the television’s Mavereckr of the Warner Brothers series in Burbank, he driving upp to ur LA State’s Education bungalow at LA State graduate class….and our Beverly Hills neighbor on Noth Wetherly Drive Igar Stravinsky  “The Rite of Spring”, it was discernible that our Beverly Hills neighbor ‘s “Rite offspring” was a riveting narrative itoimmortal memory.
Between the two notable celebrities….one an Italian virtuoso on a horseback…Eastwood carrying his warner Brothers television role across Rome’s 7 steps and the Papacy,iunto Fellini’s-“La Dolche Vita”.
The North Weatherly Drive Beverly Hills  address of Opera maestro of Igor Stravinsky transcends the scene into the Parisian Left Bank….Matisse, Sakespeare and Company, Grand Hotel of France Baudelaire, the scent of amour arousing Igor’s “Rite of Spring”.
Who would know that a womanizer, a former Sunset Boulevard valet, trying to get a notcvh up into clinht Eastwood’s trickle down tee vee WQestern on the Warner lot in Burbank, exploiting his older sister to get  into the “industry”.
Surreptious phone calls before the electronic revolution, the honchos having their appetites whetted by the “valet”, selling out his older sister for his mercenary aggrandizement and “valet” ego trip on Sunset Boulevard, parking cards, whole on the make.
Marketing his own sister. Could her moans and wails into the orfolk,California psycotherapoy unit of dissonance and nervous breakdowns…remembering “nothing wrong with your Uncle Max . Al he needed was emotional support” sai the Shrink, thumbing through our Uncle’s dossier.
A womanizer selling out his own sister……” Can you blame me? You can’t park cars forever! Can you?”
August 5, 2016. “Im ready for my close up, MesserStravinsky…Eastwood”