“Didya ever see a blind man who didn’t smile, readers?”

Didya ever see a blind man who didn’t smile, readers?”
In this case, his name is “Cookie” (no not the Avenue J luncheonette on Avenue ‘J’ on Midwood High School’s Woody Allenbus line of World War 2, but an Italian Villa Bogesi, who with his ten year old niece  checked and beheaded a PHD fraud who aspired to take over the intelligensia, programmed research of a       Roman based international high IQ reality into instutative criminal behavior.
In short the discovery genetically of the DNA hereditary logerimakin the double hewlix  genetic XYY.
Not a James Bond fantasy nor a 21st century visionary AgathieChristie s catacomb hauntged 6 murdered scientist stream of consciousness.
Who and why was the riddle that “Cookie” and his  nine year old niece Lauren. Thuis begins our convoluted  Italian mystery when a man falls off railroad platform while waiting for a trainon an outside platform……..
Perusing the newspaper account the next day Lauren reading the front page tragedyto “Cookie” the 
Uncle “Cookike sees”s that the photo  was cropped byy the paper’s photographer.
Thgus the cinme spree begins…..our “Cookie “, Loren’s blind Uncle,, his niece dials the editorial office, “Cookie”  “The train  station photo was cropped!”:
The editorial “Bond” then calls the lab, the photographer picks out the negative.
“You’re right. It was a murder. The victim was pushed!
(part one Novella Roma, hereditary criminal behavior pursuit by PHDs.

Our Robert Redford (a student at Van Nuys High) James Bond sniffs out the trail with “Cookie” and Loren goes into the intelligensia criminal behavior. The stunning XYY     discovery for criminal behavior being perpetuated by  genetic traits of hereditary. 
The stunning discovery is revealed iun an interview at the intstution’s
Strictured lAboratory. The second in command revealing his own pHD ambitions were seemingly compromised….at that moment, the bonde “daughter” of the chairman  of the board, enters, revealing hewrVilla Borghesi chrms, our Lord Byron James Bond flappergsted by the senuous “daughter” in this English murder caper of an Italian “broadhouse”  of heredity criminality and the need for PHD recognition on the stage…erudiote murders down tgh train line, the photo lab, a strangle of the Instution’s sedcreary caught in her locket…an invasion of the cemetery where she’s buried…and the final chase inside the foundation’s James Bond laboratories and  theLoren held rans ransom in an elevatror shaft, our Robert Redford “sceting out the killer when the gendarmes fail to capture the corporate insider.
Cookie”nbbing the PHD upstart “Where’s my niece?”
“I murdered her” says the unrecognized PH
killer, unaware that our Robert Redford James Bond journalisthas found “Cookie’s” niece bounbd and 
gagged in the elevator shaft.
Augst 7, 2016.   Via NomantanaNovela Roma, off the Via Veneto catacombs.