While Senator Al Franken of Minnesota

While Senator Al Franken of Minnesota, was racheting up his comic  appraisal of his role at the  most recent Democatiocconvention in the City of Brothrly Love, our memories went back to his esterdys at Saturday Night Live, ratcheting up his original abvsurdies.
In the meantime our UCLAy Druin spoetrs editor  another Al Fraken, of  the Daily Bruin, was assigning us to the footbalolRose Bowl hoist in the dining grill for the Bruins grill in Kherckoff Hall’s sporting grill., the coincidence of the Al Fraken names, way beyond our 17 yer old  freshmen stte of mind ….
Andy Hardy pedaling his Western Union bicycle, delivering telegrams to Gold Star mothers who lost their sons inAdolfHitlers atrocikties at Noirmany, the invasions into France and  Germany…..
Liberating the “Sig Heil Heil Hitlerr:con centration camps.Where 6 million of Jewish ancestry  perished. “Sig Heil
Back on the Bruin campus, an IUndiana basketbqall p-layer was auditioning for a student role in Professor Sam Selden’s Theater Arts course. His talent was attested by a replica of his in future gifts. His name was Jmes Dean….our own one act ply “Mozart and Mushroom Barley” later produced by RKO’s heritaqge at M acGowan theqater and Yal’es Medical Center.
Rememb erring our Andy Hardy “:Over the rainbow” tour of delivering the telegrams to the Gold Star mothers in Flatbush (Brooklyn’s homesteaqd off the BMT subway LINE, TGEARS CAME INTO OUR EYES, THINKING INTO THE 21SAT Century as the CNN television programming bvrings the viewers up to date of the fated plight of Gold Star mothers and the fates of the male childen in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria in our time now!
August2, 2016.  The Day the World stood still.
Veterans of Foreign Wars ….