History being made in the America. No, not as you’re thinking. Mot in the City of Brotherlyu Loved, nominating a woman forthe Presidency of America, breaking the feudal, if not the a male recognizing his grip over the 21st century Declaration of Independence centuries givingf way to a human tide (God’s way)co of status…equal sexes, no disparity of humans, thatlife’spar from the cradle to the gravee was on an even poar. No disparioty peop0le peoples.
We have emerged from the Co magon’s Alley Ooip and dinnytrhe DinosaurLabrea tar pits.
Eventhe even baby Penguin born this morning’s dawn at the Bronx Zoo knew that it was a brand new planet. That the myth of inferioritiy was shattered into the ferocious foreveres…of immoralalarchives..
“Good morning you Bronx zoo baby Penguin. It’s a brave new world!
July 29, 2016 The Bonx Zoo’s “Birth of a Nation””