Didja ever see a blind man who didn’t smile

Didja ever see a blind man who didn’t smile?” asked Joe the Pro, after relegating the Aart Garfunkel of Simon&Garfunkel, New Hampshire primary for the Democratic choices for the Presidency of our United States of America.
While a brutal blizzard was attacking those North Eastern States several days before the primary, the CNN tee v journalists and commentators were  pitching their open minded arguments for Hillary Clinton …”the latest polls show….” a 9th inning stance by Vermont’s Senator Bernie Standers….Art Garfunkel of Simon & Garfunkel)  giving ”America” to Bernie’s campaign in New Hamposhire.
The once gravel turned snow that highlights the window of the race in this granite state of the Old Man of the White Mountains is that the alleged Bernie Sanders is a graduate of Brooklyn’s Madison High School, off Kings Highway, in elevator apartment  Flatbush..
The high school bears the once “rich and fame” basketball junkies: the Rader twins, Stan Waxman, Ozzie Shectman under the aegis of  mentor coach Jammy” Moskowitz, his enduring reputation into retirement at 92ish in Boca Raton, Florida.
How does one account for Blossom Silverman The opera diva Beverly Sills  courting Burt Lancaster to join her at Lincoln Center in the role of director, Supreme Court Associate JusticeGinsberg “cutting the cords”, the “21” club Harvard LawSchool Kreindler 
All children of immigrants. So Bernie Sanders is in good company as they say.      And then that blondish Janice Shaker booking Charlton Heston  exhorting King Harry V” in the Fly over that dampish afternoon, outside Cambridge….the joint USAF-RAF Base .Yours truly and his frau, to the Queen’s Opening Duxford Museum, outside Lakenheath RAF base, and Ely British Rail, to Edinborough, Scotland.,
the site of the Queen’s summer castle.
Thanks to Janice Shaker booking our journey, Queen Elizabeth dedicating the museum at Duxford.  Madison High Schoolacross the pond, off Kings Highway, Flatbush, Brooklyn.
Didja ever see a blind man who didn’t smile?” asked Joe the Pro.
January 23, 2016  The City that never sleeps.