“Shore up those totem poles, boys,” said J. Paul, living up to hisboom town multimillionaire Oklahoma ouija board gambles, the cradle to the grave pros, quoting 30 dollars a barrel….. at the pump, under two bills , the nickel and dime bandits into their “don’t sweat the small stuff” .
J. Paul had come a long way, his derricks spouting out his legacy, through Teheran, Iran and into those gushes of Saudi Arabian turf….
Sure the diplomats into their interpretive sweats and configurations could no longer double talk the second guessers and Cro Magnon La Brea tar pit dwellers, giving confirmation to the reality scene playing out at the gas stations on our planet. Esso, Texaco, Standard Oil, Shell “running on empty”.
In this mix, a UCFLA Bruin Political Scientist, Ralph Bunche,out of Detroit, Michigan, his father a barber serving an all Caucasian clientele, the in “futuro” Nobel Peace Laureate, theUnited Nations Undersecretary evolved into his over the topmetamorphosis.
Howard University, Harvard, Oberlin College trustee, New York higher institutions, NCAAP leadership roles, the United Nations streaming ritual, this Jefferson High School graduate,. UCLAfour star athlete, ascending the heights of political and intellectual elite.
President Truman offering him “the Assistant Secretary of State” office, which this complete ”Paul Robeson Jackie Robinson”, rejected the offer..”The buzz saw” of skin pigment, the League of Nations foretaste to the United Nations and the Declaration of human rights.
Instead he stayed within the Big Apple offices of Trygve Lie, and Dag Hammarskjold, embarking on Palestine Arab partitions..Cypress, Yemen, African statesman like partitions.
Here the priceless ingredient, a grandson of a slave, his father a Detroit barber, a four star athlete at L.A.’s Jefferson High , had ascended the heights of the U.N. architecture . A spectacular height of humanity and genius in his time.
On the assassination of Count Bernadette, Professor Bunche assumed his role. In his “American Dilemma”, Gunnar Myndal,the Swedish Sociologist, digested inevitability post World War 2.The vibes optimistic, our minor planet in its galaxy, transcended its self serving moon shots and Mars landing.
January 20, 2016 The City that never sleeps.