Standing nonchalantly full of insouciance

Standing  nonchalantly full of  insouciance, at the corner of Ben Yahuda and Allenby, Tel Aviv, Israel, your foreign correspondent, was caught up in  Paris like San Bernardino mayhem. Two shoppers shot dead, the alleged lone wolf with a prison 5 year rap, out on the loose, his father and uncle saying his son and nephew is the lone wolf, the Israeli police are searching for the Arab Israeli.….
What makes your reading more complicated than usual, is that the Tel Aviv Ben Yahuda Allenby  state of mind, is a NorthernIsrael Kereat Shalom ambiance where your correspondent was once shaking and baking some half a century ago, yet his mind’s eye was navigating the Porter Ranch fumes, beyond Canoga Park, in the San Fernando Valley of Southern California, U.S.A.
The Porter Ranch where this morning a  blown up interior pipe, was scathing fumes thru the semi tropical air, affecting the families living out the  Encino Woodland Hills grazing of theironce Holy Dream of the good life..
What seems to be is the minds eye of your foreign correspondent. To capture the terrorist of the Tel Aviv (Allenby and Ben Yahudah), your Gene Autry, has to maintain his regimen, assimilating the information ,spilling over our terror weary cosmos.
Where is Prometheus? …. Gene Autry of Studio City when the Planet needs him more than ever?
But the cyber space stream and wave length, from nearby  Beverly Hills. A civil suit, the legal eagle y demanding  Bill Cosby’s business manager is but a role, Carmela  in the reality of the Brotherly Love Philadelphia  criminal suit filed  against Mr. Funruncle????? The family, his omce comic relief,thwarting the State of Limitations… Bill’s 2004 defense..
Two qualudes and a glass of wine”.
The district attorney was motivated, the alleged crime on the  onthe Temple University Pennsylvania jurisdiction, both the alleged victim and the  comedian, had a rapport, going beyond their 2004 vibrations.
But for Bill’s business manager wife testifying, the privilege of husband wife waves a red flag.
What hath this celebrity craze come to?
January 2, 2016. The City that never sleeps.