When Greta Garbo claimed “I vant to be alone” her audience failed to recognize she was identifying with her persona .
That her “Camille” like Charlie Chaplin on the Venice,California roller rink,(1939) found his persona “The Tramp”…the derby, the mustache, the baggy pants, the oversized shoes.. Charlie twirling his cane.
If Greta and Charlie’s Dna’s were contesting their personas in the Hawkeye State of Iowa, the first caucus projected in four days. Monday, February 1,. The stage being set for the battle tested persona (politicians) candidates into their vocals, for thehighest office in the land. The Presidency of our United States of America.
So when Donald Trump, once of the Trump Towers of Coney Island and the Big Apple, elected to use his persona, to promote a rival scene down the block, to the relative conventional debate,among the other Republicans , pressing their fleshy and flashypersonas for the Hawkeye electorate come Monday, February 1.
Whether it’s the Des Moines ambiance or not, Charlie and Greta “”I vant to be alone” their enduring personas milked the crowd…the hog farmers, Senior Citizens,…….the religiousright, the college students from Drake……the conservatives……. “I appreciate your political frame of mind. The dynamic metamorphosed as the Donald , offended by Fox News wise cracking his persona, having a showdown with the Kremlin’s Putin and Iran’s Ayatollah.
The bottom line was “the use of weapons of mass destruction”was a fiction by golly, the propaganda “unbelievable” toDemocrats likes Senator Bernie Sanders of Brooklyn and Vermont, or Hillary Clinton, their ages 74 and 69, their personas resonating with the undecided Hawkeyes, but the pervading Rock star personas, their charisma into 96 more hours and the voting booth.
Second and third generation personas wrestling their lines at the Trump Veterans charity. “I feel good taking the 6 million dollars”, confessed the persona … the Angelicas and the politically incorrect out of sorts.
“I VANT TO BE ALONE’,” said Greta, fading into the starry Hawkeye night.
January 28, 2015.The City that never sleeps.